Chapter 1080 Give You a Chance
"Rest when you're tired."

Su Yi said: "I'll give you a day's rest, should that be all right?"

All the spirit pets have tried their best, if they are not given enough time to rest and forced to fight, casualties are likely to occur, which he does not want to see.


All the pets are happy.

One day is not long, but at least [-]% of the state can be restored.

The current situation is so dangerous, Su Yi can give them a day, which already makes them very satisfied.

However, what would Su Yi do if he really rested for such a long time?
The Time Dirt Beast said: "Su Yi, we all rested, can you handle it alone?"

"And when I can't bear it? You can rest assured."

Su Yi smiled, and then collected all his spiritual pets into [Langya Ring].

Since we intend to let them have a good rest, they cannot be disturbed by the outside world, and it is most suitable to enter [Langya Ring].

Before closing [Langya Ring], Su Yi glanced at Nannan, but saw that she was still in a coma.

If Nannan can wake up, it will definitely help him a lot.

It's a pity that the girl showed no signs of waking up.

After closing [Langya Ring], Su Yi opened [Linlang Ring] again. The purpose is also very simple, to ripen the explosive fruit.

Because of too much physical exertion, he couldn't keep shooting later.

But relying solely on [Smart Chariot] is obviously not enough.

After so long, he could only use the explosive fruit, and this was his last hole card.

Although the explosive fruit is powerful, at least a dozen of them are needed to kill the gargoyle.

Before, he ripened a thousand, which was obviously not enough.

While there is time, it must be ripened more.

Time flies, more than an hour has passed.

During this period of time, Su Yi ripened 4000 explosive fruits, plus the previous ones, the number has reached more than [-], which is enough for a while.

At this time, [Smart Chariot] was a little bit overwhelmed.

Although it claims to be able to defend against any attack in the Gathering Realm, it must be bragging.

In addition, even without bragging, it is impossible to stick to it forever.

It's like dripping water wears away a rock.

[Smart Chariot] It is like a stone, and a gargoyle is like a water drop.

As long as the water drops keep hitting the stone, there will always be a day when a hole will be pierced.

Su Yi has long seen that the [Smart Chariot] is actually injured, and the reason why he is still persisting is entirely because of good face, and he doesn't want to embarrass himself in front of him.

"Number 2, take a break."

After [Smart Chariot] killed a batch of gargoyles, Su Yi greeted them.

He didn't want to see [Smart Chariot] really get hurt.

[Smart chariot] drove up to Su Yi, and said unhappily: "Su Yi, I'm working hard, why are you calling me?"

"Can you still hold on?" The corner of Su Yi's mouth twitched slightly.

At this time, the [Smart Chariot] had a pothole on the body, and it was obviously seriously injured.

But even so, don't forget to pretend.

Su Yi was a little in admiration.

"Of course, the mere gargoyles in the soul-gathering state are like ants in front of me. If you say they will be crushed to death, they will be crushed to death." [Smart Chariot] said disdainfully.


Su Yi nodded and said, "It's okay, you can continue."

[Smart Chariot] He was scared immediately. If the fight continues, he must be dismantled into parts by gargoyles.

He was definitely unwilling, so he said, "Su Yi, I've already killed quite a few, so I should give you a chance to show off."

(End of this chapter)

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