Beast Invasion: One-click Attribute Extraction

Chapter 1089 is more in line with your temperament

Chapter 1089 is more in line with your temperament

"I would like to bet and admit defeat. Since you have lost, you must submit to me."

Su Yi said in a deep voice, and then took out the oath stone.

Without the contract power of the oath stone, he would not dare to keep a sword spirit by his side.

However, the moment he took out the oath stone, he suddenly thought that in order for the oath stone to exert its power of contract, in addition to swearing to it, it must be dripped with blood essence.

The little boy was derived from a concrete object, how could he have blood?

If there is no essence and blood, wouldn't it be impossible to generate the power of the contract at all?

In this way, the little boy cannot be restrained.

[Smart Chariot] seemed to be aware of Su Yi's thoughts, and reminded: "Su Yi, although the sword spirit has no blood essence, it has sword energy. As long as a trace of sword energy is poured into the oath stone, the power of the contract will still work. "

"Can you still do this?"

Su Yi was overjoyed, and then told the little boy: "Release your sword energy and pour it into the oath stone, and then swear to surrender to me."

Without the slightest hesitation, the little boy quickly operated according to Su Yi's instructions.

The next moment, Su Yi felt a vague connection with the little boy.

This also shows that the power of the contract has begun to work.

"You agreed so willingly? Don't try to resist?" Su Yi asked strangely.

At first, I thought that the little boy would struggle a little bit, so he could take the opportunity to teach him a lesson and let out a bad breath.

I never thought that the little boy would agree directly.

In this case, it would be a bit inappropriate to do it again.

The little boy gave Su Yi a white look, and said, "Don't think that I don't know what your plan is. If I disagree, you will definitely take the opportunity to retaliate against me. I won't do this kind of self-defeating thing."

In fact, choosing to surrender to Su Yi was not only because of the fear of being beaten.

The most important point is that Su Yi can use the chaotic aura.

He himself is a chaotic sword spirit, which can be perfectly matched with Su Yi.

If Su Yi didn't have the aura of chaos, he wouldn't have agreed so readily.

The corner of Su Yi's mouth twitched, and he said contemptuously: "As a sword spirit, but you are so cowardly, I look down on you!"

Not being able to find an opportunity to teach the little boy a lesson has always made him a little upset.

The little boy said indifferently: "Counsel me, it's better than being beaten."

"I'm looking for a chance to deal with you!"

Su Yi muttered secretly, and then said: "Since you have surrendered to me, you must obey my arrangements in the future. In addition, I will give you a pleasant name."

"It's okay to listen to your arrangement, but I already have a name, my name is Chaos Sword Spirit."

The little boy looked up at Su Yi.

"No, the name doesn't sound good."

Su Yi said in an unquestionable tone: "I must give you another one, and you will be called Xiaojian in the future."

"Little sword?"

The little boy muttered, nodded and said, "I am a sword spirit myself, so it would be more appropriate to call me Xiaojian."

"We may not have spoken the same word."

Su Yi stood on tiptoe and wrote a big "cheap" on the ground, and said solemnly: "This cheap is more in line with your temperament!"

little boy:"."

I have surrendered to you so much, why do you still want to humiliate me?
Is it a bit deceiving?

The little boy said sullenly: "Cannon fodder, I have surrendered to you, you should save me some face."

There was a crisp sound of "pop".

Su Yi slapped the little boy on the head with his hands.

(End of this chapter)

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