Chapter 1091
Without even thinking about it, Ma Anhe quickly took out the Eight Desolation Ting Yan Stone and the silver armor, "Su Yi, these two things are for you."

The Bahuang Tingyan Stone and the silver armor are priceless things, but without Su Yi's help, he would have been killed long ago.

"Senior, I just need this ore."

Su Yi collected the Eight Desolation Tingyan Stone into [Qiankun Jie], and then took out a Shouyuan Pill and gave it to Ma Anhe.

"This is Shouyuan Pill! Su Yi, thank you."

Ma Anhe became excited.

If it was something else, he would definitely not accept it.

But the Shouyuan Pill is different. After taking it, it can increase the lifespan by ten years, which is helpful to everyone.

"Senior, you don't have to be polite."

Su Yi smiled, and then took out three Shouyuan Pills and distributed them to Shao Tianlei and the others.

The three of Shao Tianlei followed him through several levels, and they worked hard without credit.

If you are empty-handed, it is really unreasonable.

"We have too?"

The three of Shao Tianlei were pleasantly surprised.

Su Yi said: "The things that burst out of the formation are of great use to me, so I can't share them with you. The Shouyuan Pill will be used as compensation."

"Thank you!"

The three of Shao Tianlei expressed their thanks one after another.

They were lucky to be able to survive.

As for things like treasures, I didn't even think about it.

After all, Su Yi was the only one who supported him from the beginning to the end, and Baoshi should naturally belong to Su Yi.

However, they didn't expect that Su Yi would give him other things as compensation, which really surprised them.

"Seniors, it's best not to publicize what happened in the God of War Tower." Su Yi warned.

He has obtained too many treasures, if it is publicized, people will miss it, and it will be another troublesome thing at that time.

"Don't worry, we both understand."

Gu Taiqing and others nodded one after another.


Su Yi suddenly thought of something, opened the [Qiankun Ring] and took out a wind-type spiritual seed and sent it to Gu Taiqing, "Senior, please pass this spiritual seed to Senior Sister Gu Yiting."

It has a lot to do with Gu Yiting to be able to gain a lot of money in the God of War Tower.

If Gu Yiting had not invited him at that time, he would never have had this opportunity.

Don't forget the well-digger when you drink water, and it is also appropriate to give a spiritual seed.

"Su Yi, don't you hand it over to her?" Gu Taiqing was a little strange.

They will leave later, and Gu Yiting will definitely wait outside the God of War Tower. Wouldn't it be better to send it out in person?
Su Yi explained: "Senior should know the grievances between me and Thunder Mountain and other forces, right? Once I show up, they will definitely receive the news, and then send strong people to deal with me. Therefore, I must go out of the tower as soon as possible. leave."


Gu Taiqing nodded.

In Yaoguang City, with the protection of the Gu family, other forces dare not do anything to Su Yi.

But it is impossible for Su Yi to stay in Yaoguang City all his life, and he will leave sooner or later.

Once the news got out, Lei Mingshan and other forces would wait for Su Yi outside the city, and Su Yi would be in danger.

"It's almost time, let's all go out."

Su Yi greeted and walked towards the portal first.

Outside the God of War Tower, Gu Yiting and others are waiting anxiously.

Suddenly, a figure shot out from it.

When it was clearly Su Yi, Gu Yiting was about to ask, but Su Yi said, "Senior Sister Gu, I have to leave earlier."

(End of this chapter)

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