Beast Invasion: One-click Attribute Extraction

Chapter 1098 Going to the Source City

Chapter 1098 Going to the Source City

"Didn't I get a piece of breath soil? I plan to use it to repair the world fragments, but I don't know how to do it." Su Yi said.

"Just for this little thing, you called me back?"

[Smart Chariot] He let out a snort, and seemed a little stuffy.

"Repairing world fragments is of great significance, how can it be a trivial matter?" Su Yi said seriously with a straight face.

"It's what you say it is."

[Smart Chariot] said helplessly: "The repair method is very simple, bury that piece of soil in the debris of the world, and it will be repaired automatically after a while."

"It's really that simple?"

Su Yi froze for a moment, then asked, "How long will it take?"

"More than a month, no more than two months at most." [Smart Chariot] replied.

"two months"

Su Yi pondered.

His plan is to connect all the people in the source city to the world fragments after repairing the world fragments.

After all, he has lived in Yuancheng for more than half a year, and has deep feelings for Yuancheng.

There was no way to leave before, but now that I have the ability, I will naturally not abandon it.

In two months, the fierce beasts will not invade Blue Star in a big way, so they should have time to operate.

"Su Yi, let's go out first if we have nothing else to do." [Smart Chariot] said suddenly.

"Wait here, let's go out and do something later." Su ordered.

[Smart Chariot] tentatively said: "Su Yi, you don't want to leave the forbidden area of ​​death again, do you?"

They've only been back for two days, so Su Yi is going out again?This is too much to toss, right?

The point is, it's okay for Su Yi to toss and drag him every time, which makes him very helpless.

"you guessed right!"

Su Yi smiled faintly, turned and walked out of the stone house.

"Why is my life so hard!"

[Smart Chariot] sighed deeply.

After Su Yi went out for a while, he brought Wu Zhe back to the stone house, "Number 2, let's go."

"Xiaohong, I'm leaving."

[Smart Chariot] Reluctantly greeted the red chariot, then transformed into a flying form, carrying Su Yi and Wu Zhe to fly away from the forbidden area of ​​death.

"Su Yi, where are we going this time?"

On the way, [Smart Chariot] asked.

With the improvement of Su Yi's strength, he became more and more courageous, and he would often go to some dangerous places. He was really worried that he would die again this time?
"Go to Yuancheng." Su Yi said calmly.

The main purpose of this trip is to bring people from the Liu family and the Shen family to the rear base.

Because Yuancheng fell into the control of Thunder Mountain, and was guarded by a powerhouse in the supernatural realm, he didn't dare to act rashly before.

But now there is no such concern.

For one thing, the warriors in the Thunder Mountain had already left the source city.

Second, with Wu Zhe as his bodyguard, who is a strong man of the second level of spiritual power, it is easy to deal with Lei Mingshan.

"It's okay this time."

Knowing that Su Yi is going to Yuancheng, [Smart Chariot] let out a long sigh of relief.

Two hours later, when the [Smart Chariot] flew to the edge of the forbidden area of ​​death, Su Yi ordered: "Number 2, check the situation outside and see if anyone is still guarding outside."

With Wu Zhe by his side, he is not afraid of anyone at all.

But his purpose is to go to the source city to pick up people, and he doesn't want to expose his whereabouts prematurely.

"Su Yi, the guards have all evacuated, and there is no one outside." [Smart Chariot] searched and immediately replied.

"It's fine if no one is there."

Su Yi nodded and said: "No. 2, go to Yuancheng immediately."

[Smart Chariot] Pick up the speed and fly towards Yuancheng like lightning.

(End of this chapter)

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