Chapter 1100 Tracking

[Smart Chariot] Very helpless.

Originally, I thought it would be a very easy thing to come out this time, but I never thought about taking risks again.

Gradually, he discovered a pattern.

As long as you come out with Su Yi, nothing good will happen, either a fight, or on the way to a fight.

And every time it was extremely dangerous, almost lost his life several times.

This time following three warriors in the supernatural realm, it might be another fight in the end!

[Smart Chariot] pokes far behind the aircraft, because it has the detection function, so it will not be lost at all.

After flying like this for three hours, it has already entered the tidal sea.

The sea water of the tidal sea presents a light black color, the sea surface is rough, and the huge waves roll layer by layer, giving people a feeling of depression and horror.

Because Su Yi came here once, it's not surprising.

After the aircraft in front entered the tidal surge, it had no intention of stopping, and continued to move rapidly in one direction.

Seeing this, Su Yi frowned slightly.

If you continue to move forward, you will soon be close to the boundary channel where the Sea Clan connects to Blue Star.

Then there must be many strong people from the Sea Clan guarding it. What did the three of Jin Yanzong and Leiming Mountain do in the past?
[Smart Chariot] asked: "Su Yi, shall we continue to follow?"

"Of course!" Su Yi affirmed.

The more adventurous the other party is, the more it shows that the problem is not simple.

Maybe there is some big secret hidden, so naturally we have to explore it.

Another hour passed, and the aircraft in front suddenly stopped.

[Smart chariot] was [-] kilometers away from the opponent. In order to avoid revealing his whereabouts, he also stopped flying at this moment and reported the situation to Su Yi, "Su Yi, the opponent has stopped."

"What happened to them?" Su Yi asked.


[Smart Chariot] said: "Within my detection range, there is nothing around."


Su Yi grumbled.

Since nothing happened, why did the other party stop?
Su Yi couldn't figure out the situation for a while, so he said, "Number 2, wait first, when they will act, when will we follow up."

After waiting for more than an hour, Su Yi was a little impatient.

But at this moment, an unusually powerful wave of aura suddenly came from afar.

It feels as if a treasure is about to be born.

"Could it be that the other party came from a treasure hunt?"

With a thought, Su Yi turned to Bang [Smart Chariot] and asked, "No. 2, can you investigate the source of that aura fluctuation?"


[Smart Chariot] said: "The source of that aura is at least [-] kilometers away from here, far beyond my detection range."

"So far away?"

Su Yi was a little moved.

One can clearly sense the spiritual energy fluctuations from five hundred kilometers away, so what kind of treasure has this ability?

[Smart Chariot] suddenly reminded: "Su Yi, that aircraft has left and is heading towards the place where the aura fluctuates."

"Follow!" Su Yi ordered.

He has basically determined the purpose of the other party's coming here, which is for the treasure.

Now that the treasure is discovered, it can also be regarded as an opportunity, so naturally it cannot be missed.

Of course, this trip must be extremely dangerous.

But if you want to get a chance, how can you not take some risks.

(End of this chapter)

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