Chapter 1105 Combined Soldiers

Soon, the Hai people filled the spirit crystals again and started the third round of summoning.

When a white light fell into the formation, Su Yi and Wu Zhe stared at it with wide eyes.

The next moment, a three-meter-tall puppet appeared in sight. This puppet was made of a kind of silver metal, tall and mighty, very cool!

"It can't be a soldier of the machine clan, right?" Su Yi frowned.

The puppets in the formation are the same as [Mechanical Soldiers] only in appearance, only one meter taller.

But whether it is the [Mechanical Soldier], he is not sure.

"No. 2, is this a soldier of your machine clan?" Su Yi asked.

[Smart Chariot] and [Mechanical Soldier] are both mechanical clans, so it should be possible to tell.

"Su Yi, he is a machine warrior."

[Smart Chariot] said excitedly: "And I feel that he is of the same type as Datie, and there should be some kind of relationship."

a type?
What do you mean?
Is it Big Iron's brother?dad?grandfather?

Old iron?
Su Yi turned his mind and asked, "No. 2, are the soldiers in the formation the relatives of Da Tie?"


[Smart Chariot] Negate it immediately.

"Then what do you mean by what you just said?" Su Yi frowned slightly.

[Smart Chariot] explained: "The soldiers in the big iron and the formation are part of a combined soldier."

"Combined soldiers?"

Su Yi became more and more confused.

[Smart Chariot] continued: "To put it simply, the big iron can be combined with several soldiers of the same type to form a super-sized soldier."

"Make up Transformers?"

Su Yi frowned, and the picture of the cartoon Transformers appeared in his mind.

"You make up the arms, he makes up the torso, and I make up the head."

Su Yi thought about it for a while, and then asked: "No. 2, how many soldiers are needed to form a super-large one? What is the strength of the combination?"

"A total of five are needed. As for the strength, it depends on the situation. The combination of five warriors from the Illusory Spirit Realm has the strength of the God Realm. The combination of the God Realm has the strength of the True Spirit Realm."

"Raise a big realm!"

Su Yi's face was moved. If he could find five soldiers of the same type to combine together, it would give him great help.

However, he thought of another problem.

If you make up five, how do you name them?

Old iron, big iron, medium iron, small iron.
What about the one left?Little Tie or Old Tie?

I always feel a little uncomfortable.

"Su Yi, what are you thinking?"

Seeing that Su Yi was in a daze, [Smart Chariot] asked curiously.

"I'm thinking about how to name them when I have gathered five warriors." Su Yi said smoothly.

[Smart Chariot]: "."

When the hell is it, Su Yi is still in the mood to name it?

He is also convinced.

"Su Yi, the things in the formation are not yours yet, are you thinking a little too far?" [Smart Chariot] reminded.

Su Yi smiled faintly, "Don't worry, everything in the formation is mine."

"Good guy! This is ready to grab food!" [Smart Chariot] clicked his tongue.

I have been with Su Yi for a long time, so I naturally understand Su Yi's character.

Since Su Yi said so, he must be planning to snatch it.

But he didn't understand. In addition to the Sea Clan's Sanming powerhouse, there were three people from Lei Mingshan and Jin Yanzong who were eyeing him. Where did Su Yi have the confidence?
(End of this chapter)

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