Beast Invasion: One-click Attribute Extraction

Chapter 1140 Another chapter of the tidal sea

Chapter 1140 Returning to the Sea of ​​Chaos

Su Yi picked up the storage bag that fell on the ground, turned around and returned to the [Smart Chariot], and then flew towards the rear base.

When returning to the rear base, the battle was over.

Luo Junnan is leading the crowd to clean up the battlefield.

Su Yi stepped forward and asked, "Master Luo, how about our casualties?"

This battle was enough to be called a great victory. All five thousand Sea Clan and many red sand horses who came here were killed.

However, since it was a fight, damage would inevitably occur.

That's what he's most concerned about.

Luo Junnan said: "A few were seriously injured, and quite a few were slightly injured. Fortunately, none of them died."

"That's good."

Su Chang breathed a sigh of relief.

As long as no one died, even if he was seriously injured, it was nothing.

Because the rear base has stored a batch of healing medicines, including Yun Bao Pill and Yun Ling Pill, which can completely treat the injured.

"City Lord Luo, the injured should arrange to enter the Yaozhi Tower to recuperate as soon as possible. If you need any pills, ask Wen Haomiao." Su Yi warned.


Luo Junnan nodded.

Su Yi looked around, and said again: "Those red sand horses can be used as food, so collect them all."

Although the meat quality of red sand horse is not as good as Yinxiao deer, the taste is not bad.

Such a large batch is enough for the people in the rear base to eat for a while.

"Leave this matter to Huo Tiancheng. He is mainly responsible for the back kitchen work at the rear base." Luo Junnan said with a smile.

Su Yi nodded, and then said: "Also, it is useful for me to collect all the spirit crystals I have found."

Spirit crystals are not very useful in other people's hands, but in his hands they can transform time spirit liquid.

With time, the spiritual liquid can ripen all kinds of spiritual plants, so as to refine elixirs for everyone to use.

"no problem."

Luo Junnan promised.

"City Lord Luo, I'm going out later, and I'll leave this place to you." Su Yi said suddenly.

"Going out again?"

Luo Junnan was taken aback for a moment.

In recent days, Su Yi kept running out.

The time spent in the rear base was not even outside as much.

If it's someone else, it's fine.

The key is that Su Yi is the lord of the rear base!How can there be any reason for the lord not to sit in town all day?

"There is a very important thing that must be done, but there is no danger and it won't take long." Su Yi didn't explain too much.

Luo Junnan nodded: "Then you pay attention to safety, I will go to work first."

When Luo Junnan left, Su Yi called Wu Zhe to his side, "Old Wu, let's go out to do something."


Wu Zhe didn't ask any more questions.

As Su Yi's bodyguard, wherever Su Yi goes, just follow him.

Later, Su Yi and Wu Zhe boarded the [Smart Chariot].

"Su Yi, are we going out again?" [Smart Chariot] tentatively asked.

"you guessed right."

Su Yi smiled and said, "Number 2, set off for Yongxi Sea."


[Smart Chariot] Confused.

Well, they went to Yongxi Sea just the day before yesterday, why are they going again?
In addition, Su Yi robbed the treasures of the Sea Clan before, and just now exterminated 5000 members of the Sea Clan. It can be said that he has formed a deadly feud with the Sea Clan.

If this person appeared in Yongxi Sea, the Sea Clan would not wait to fight him desperately!
"Su Yi, isn't it too risky for you to go to Yongxi Sea now? The Hai people will definitely not let you go." [Smart Chariot] reminded.

"The Sea Clan doesn't want to let me go, and I'm trying to eradicate them as well!" Su Yi smiled faintly.

(End of this chapter)

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