Beast Invasion: One-click Attribute Extraction

Chapter 1142 Destroy the Realm Passage First

Chapter 1142 Destroy the Realm Passage First
[Smart Chariot] After flying for nearly two hours, he suddenly said: "Su Yi, I found the boundary channel, and it's on an island more than 100 kilometers ahead."

Su Yi nodded, and turned to look at the Hai Clan man, with a cold light shining in his eyes.

"I have led the way for you, you can't kill me!"

Realizing that Su Yi had murderous intentions, the Hai people looked terrified and kept moving backwards.

But before he took two steps back, Wu Zhe grabbed his neck.

"You can't blame me. The Human Race and the Sea Race are mortal enemies. How can there be no reason not to kill them? Besides, you have been given an extra two hours to live, so you should be satisfied." Su Yi looked at the Sea Race people , said in a cold voice.

He has never been a soft-hearted person, especially when dealing with aliens who are against the human race, he will kill one by one.

A click.

Wu Zhe took advantage of the situation and crushed the neck of the Hai people, not giving them a chance to speak.

When the [Smart Chariot] opened the hatch, he threw the body of the Sea Clan out.

At this time, Su Yi said: "No. 2, find out the number and rank of the Shanghai people on the island."

After a while, we will go there to destroy the boundary channel. Before that, we must find out the strength of the Sea Clan.

In case the other party is guarded by a supernatural powerhouse, you need to think about it.

[Smart Chariot] Checked and reported: "There are a thousand sea people on the island, and the highest level is the ninth level of the Illusory Spirit Realm."

"Then it's fine."

A sneer appeared on the corner of Su Yi's mouth.

There are no supernatural powers among the Hai people, and Wu Zhe alone can wipe them all out.

[Smart Chariot] reminded: "Su Yi, although the Sea Clan does not have a supernatural powerhouse, there is a sea monster with the first level of supernatural power hidden in the sea area."

"Spiritual Sea Monster Beast?" Su Yi was not surprised but delighted.

Ability can be extracted by touching an animal, and the more powerful it is, the more ability it can extract relatively speaking.

He has never touched a strange beast in the realm of the gods, and now he is looking forward to it.

"Then kill this sea monster first."

Su Yixu narrowed his eyes and murmured.

With Wu Zhe and Xiaojian around, wouldn't it be easy to deal with a sea monster at the first level of supernatural power?

"Number 2, let's go!"

Su Yi gave the order.

[Smart Chariot] headed towards the island quickly, and arrived at the top of the island in a few minutes.

After discovering the [Smart Chariot], the Hai people on the island gathered in front of the boundary channel to take precautions.

Moreover, another Hai Clan member quickly entered the boundary channel.

Su Yi realized this and frowned slightly.

Originally, his plan was to kill the sea monster first, and then destroy the boundary channel.

But now it is necessary to change it.

Because the sea clansman who entered probably tipped off the news, if a strong sea clansman receives the news and enters, it will not be easy to destroy the boundary channel.

"Old Wu, destroy the boundary channel first." Su Yi made a decisive decision.

Afterwards, the two rushed out from the [Smart Chariot] and fell straight towards the location of the boundary channel.

[Smart chariot] became the size of a palm and got into Su Yi's pocket.

Just when Su Yi and the two were about to fall into the island, there was a sudden loud noise in the sea area.

However, a huge black shadow like a mountain rushed out of the sea, setting off a stormy sea.

"Su Yi, it's the supernatural sea monster that came out!" [Smart Chariot] reminded.

(End of this chapter)

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