Chapter 115

"Even dare to beat my people"

The corner of Wei Haipu's mouth twitched slightly, his expression very complicated.

For one thing, he was shocked by Su Yi's strength.

Second, I didn't expect Su Yi to really dare to do it.

You know, based on his status, even the City Lord of Yuancheng would treat him with courtesy.

Su Yi is just a student, why would he dare to be so rampant?

"Boy, you are courting death!"

The man with the scar was furious, and before Wei Haipu could speak, he rushed towards Su Yi like an angry lion.

Suddenly, a violent breath escaped from his body.

The cultivation base of the tenth level of Body Tempering Realm exploded completely.

"Go to hell!"

The man with the scar rushed up to Su Yi and punched him in the air.

Suddenly, a gust of bad wind swept towards Su Yi, making his clothes rustle.

For a martial artist in the tenth level of Body Tempering Realm, the power of a punch has reached a terrifying 2000 jin, which is enough to open mountains and crack rocks.

"Boy, this is what happens when you fight against me!"

Wei Haipu sneered in his heart, as if he had treated Su Yi as a dead person.

"It's not certain who will die!"

Su Yi snorted coldly, and punched out without flinching.

The ready-to-go [Tiger Tiangang Fist] was launched together.

In the middle of Muran, the sound of a tiger's roar shook the sky.

The wind of the fist was like a sharp blade, and the surrounding air made a shrill whistling sound.

"Secret boxing skills!"

The scarred man's heart shuddered.

Affected by the fist intent of [Tiger Tiangang Fist], he felt that Su Yi at this moment was like a fierce tiger descending the mountain, with a solid murderous aura surging all over his body, as if it wanted to engulf him.

However, after all, he is a strong man in the tenth level of Body Tempering Realm, and he has experienced hundreds of battles.

He soon came to his senses, gritted his teeth, exerted all his strength, and bravely collided with Su Yi's fist.

In an earth-shattering loud noise.

The man with the scar felt as if he had been run over by a mountain, and an unrivaled force swept over his body, causing all his bones to groan!

Finally, the man with the scar couldn't bear the oppression, screamed, and shot straight back like a shell fired.

After flying seven or eight meters away in a row, they fell heavily to the ground.

Immediately afterwards, he opened his mouth and sprayed out a spray of blood, his head shrugged, and he passed out.

"How could this be?"

Wei Haipu's eyes were full of horror, and his heart beat violently.

The others also looked horrified, and they backed up involuntarily.

Su Yi's strength was completely beyond their imagination.

They never thought that the man with the scar in the tenth level of Body Tempering would be knocked away by Su Yi's punch and fainted.

However, what made them very puzzled was.

The aura emanating from Su Yi's body is only at the Qi and blood level. Even if he uses boxing secret skills, he can't crush the scarred man, right?
So how did Su Yi do it?
So weird!

It's normal for them not to understand.

It is true that Su Yi is at the seventh level of Qi and Blood Realm, but he has tempered six bones in advance, and his own strength has reached 1300 kg.

Coupled with the doubling effect of [Tiger Tiangang Fist], the strength value soared to 2600 kg in an instant.

How can a man with a scar who only has a strength of 2000 kilograms be Su Yi's opponent?
"Do you still want to pinch me now?"

Su Yi narrowed his eyes and glanced at Wei Haipu, with a teasing look on the corner of his mouth.

"Who are you?"

Swept by Su Yi's gaze, Wei Haipton felt his scalp tingling and his whole body was icy cold.

It can be said that the current him is completely overwhelmed by Su Yi's strength, and he doesn't have the courage to fight against him.

(End of this chapter)

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