Beast Invasion: One-click Attribute Extraction

Chapter 1159 The Challenge from Gongsunxiu

Chapter 1159 The Challenge from Gongsunxiu
The other party couldn't do anything to him, so they condemned him in the warrior forum. This kind of trick is simply ridiculous.

Of course, there are also some people who don't know right and wrong will follow blindly.

Swear at him in the post, or threaten something.

Su Yi ignored this at all.

There is no need to get angry with a group of idiots, so what if you shout a few words on the warrior forum?
In the end, it depends on its own strength.

Barking dogs don't bite.

Come and do it if you have the ability!He wants to see who has the guts.

Therefore, the louder the other party is, the more it means that there is nothing to do with him.

The lesson from the past was before him, Duanmu Yingde died in his hands, and Wan Yiming, who claimed to be invincible in strength cultivation, was crushed by his punch.

Let me ask, who else dares to trouble him in the forbidden area of ​​death?

Su Yi exhaled, and then looked at the next post.

[In view of Su Yi's evil deeds, in order to uphold justice!Get rid of evil!I, Gongsun Xiu, will go to the forbidden area of ​​death to challenge Su Yi in three days! 】

When he saw this post, the corners of Su Yi's mouth opened slightly.

Someone really came to challenge him!

What the hell is wrong with your brain?Or do you want to be famous?

No matter which point, those who dare to challenge him will have to pay a heavy price!

However, Su Yi vaguely felt that things were not that simple.

What Gongsun Xiu said is very good, what to maintain justice and eradicate crime.

But these, as anyone with a brain knows, are just excuses.

Then the purpose of Gongsun Xiu to challenge him is probably to kill him.

But he didn't understand, there was no grudge between him and this Gongsun Xiu, why did Gongsun Xiu do this?
Also, what is Gongsun Xiu relying on?
Su Yi thought for a while but didn't understand it, so he simply didn't think too much about it.

Gongsun Xiu said that he would come to the forbidden area of ​​death to challenge him in three days.

We will know by then.

Later, Su Yi continued to look at other posts.

It took nearly three hours to see this, and it was already noon.

Su Yi put down his phone and was about to go out for a walk when Su Lin called.

"Brother, it's time to eat, come to Zhiyao Pagoda."

"Okay, it will pass in a while."

Su Yi hung up the phone and walked towards Zhiyao Pagoda.

Speaking of which, he hadn't eaten for several days, and he was really hungry.

Entering the Demon Planting Tower, I saw a long queue in front of the newly built canteen from a distance, just like the canteens of factories and schools, everyone lined up to eat.

Although there are many people in the queue, they are all of high quality, no one jumps in the queue, and they seem to be orderly.

Su Yi walked at the end of the line and lined up silently.

In front of Su Yi were several barbarians, including Xu Xi.

When Xu Xi saw Su Yi, he hurriedly said, "My lord, why are you queuing here? You can just go to the front."

Su Yi smiled, "There is no distinction of superiority or inferiority in our death penalty area, everyone is equal. You need to line up for dinner, and I need to do the same. After all, there is no rule without rules."

Hearing this, Xu Xi and the others were in awe.

In their impression, big figures like lords would enjoy privileges.

But Su Yi didn't do that, but was as self-disciplined as everyone else.

This approach undoubtedly set a good benchmark for them.

No one will break the rules in the future.

After all, even the city lord acts according to the rules, so what qualifications do other people have to destroy it.

Ten minutes later, after Su Yi finished his meal, Su Lin's voice came from next to his ear, "Brother, this way."

(End of this chapter)

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