Chapter 1161

"Then I'll wait for him." Su Yi smiled lightly with a relaxed expression.

there is always a solution to a problem.

In the forbidden area of ​​death, he had never been afraid of anyone.

Fang Weize reminded: "Su Yi, you'd better be careful. Gongsun Xiu is not only extremely strong, but also has a defensive armor on his body. This armor is quite powerful, and can weaken the opponent's impact by half."

"Is it so powerful?" Su Yi was a little moved.

Generally speaking, armor is used to resist the damage of weapons. This is the first time he has heard of this kind of armor that can withstand strong impact.

However, he still didn't pay much attention to it.

Using [Seven Transformations of Insects] and Tiger Tiangang Fist, the force of one punch exceeded 50000 kilograms. Even if the strength was weakened by half, it could still deal a fatal blow to Gongsun Xiu.

In addition, there is the sword of chaos in hand.

The Sword of Chaos is made of the Eight Desolation Ting Flame Stone, even if it is not infused with Chaos Spiritual Energy, it still has a strong ability to break defenses.

It shouldn't be a problem to chop up Gongsunli's armor.

With so many cards in hand, it was impossible for Gongsun Xiu to make any waves.

Fang Weize said: "There is another rumor that Gongsun Xiu is not only arrogant, but also very vicious. In order to win, he will often use some despicable methods. It can be said that he will use all means."

"If he dares to use indiscriminate means, I will make him regret living in this world." A cold light flashed in Su Yi's eyes.

Sensing Su Yi's killing intent, Fang Weize asked in a daze, "Su Yi, are you so sure?"

If Gongsun Xiu didn't have that armor, he would definitely not be Su Yi's opponent.

But with the help of Armor, he didn't think Su Yi could win easily.

"Don't worry, Gongsunxiu is just a clown."

Su Yi smiled, stood up and said, "Brother Fang, I'm going back first."

"it is good."

Fang Weize nodded.

When Su Yi returned to the original place, he saw Cao Qinglang and several people approaching. They gathered together, but they didn't know what they were talking about.

"What are you talking about?" Su Yi asked curiously.

Cao Qinglang said, "We are looking at the posts on the warrior forum."


Su Yi didn't care, sat on the ground and started eating.

I just patronized to understand the situation, and I haven't eaten a few bites yet.

Cao Qinglang and others continued to discuss.

"That alien is simply too rampant."

"He has killed tens of thousands of people before, and he didn't expect to go to Tongkou City to make trouble again. Could it be that those powerhouses on Blue Star can't deal with him?"

"This guy dares to go crazy outside, come to our death forbidden area, and torture him to death every minute."

Hearing this, Su Yi put down the plate in his hand, and asked Cao Qinglang, "Old Cao, when did that foreigner appear?"

Cao Qinglang said: "The post on the warrior forum said that it was an hour ago. The Sun Moon and Star Palace has sent strong men to surround and kill them, but it seems that they can't help them."

Hearing this, Su Yi pondered.

Originally, he wanted to kill this undead clansman, but he didn't have any help, so he let it go.

Now that someone from the Sun, Moon and Zodiac has made a move, there will be helpers.

With the addition of their voters, there is still a lot of confidence.

Thinking of this, Su Yi couldn't care less about eating, and got up to find Wu Zhe.

At present, only Wu Zhe and Xiaojian can help.

"Old Wu, go out with me to do something."

A few minutes later, Su Yi found Wu Zhe.

Wu Zhe just finished his meal, and without asking any questions, he got up and followed Su Yi and left.

(End of this chapter)

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