Beast Invasion: One-click Attribute Extraction

Chapter 1170 Obligatory Responsibility

Chapter 1170 Obligatory Responsibility

"The evil cultivator was killed?"

Witnessing this scene, the three of Zhao Chengyi were stunned.

Wu Zhe was also inexplicably shocked.

He had already guessed that Su Yi was hiding in the dark and was about to strike, but he never thought that he would kill the evil cultivator so neatly.

Before, the four of them teamed up and were forced by the evil cultivator into a panic, but Su Yi reversed the situation as soon as he got out.

A comparison made him feel like a waste, and his heart was very complicated.

"Who the hell is he? It's so fierce!"

Zhao Chengyi and Nie Zhanpeng looked at Su Yi from a distance, feeling very uneasy.

Since I have never met Su Yi, I don't know Su Yi's identity.

However, Su Yi is really too young, probably less than 20 years old.

It's incredible to have the means to kill evil cultivators at such a young age.

"It's Su Yi"

When he saw Su Yi clearly, Jin Hongxuan's mouth opened wide.

It never occurred to him that it would be Su Yi who helped kill the evil cultivator.

"What? He is Su Yi!"

Zhao Chengyi and Nie Zhanpeng were shocked on the spot.

If you want to ask Blue Star, whose reputation is the loudest, it must be Su Yi.

It was rumored that Su Yi fought against multiple powerful sects alone, including the two behemoths of the Jinyan Sect and the Shadow Killing Sect.

However, not only did Su Yi not fall into the disadvantaged position, he even beheaded many of the opponent's Illusory Spirit Realm powerhouses one after another.

It made Jin Yanzong and other sects lose face.

In addition, Su Yi became even more famous for trapping and killing Duanmu Yingde by taking advantage of the special environment of the forbidden area of ​​death.

However, there is one thing they can't figure out.

Isn't Su Yi from the Illusory Spiritual Realm?How could he instantly kill an evil cultivator at the second level of the divine power?

Just when everyone had different thoughts, Su Yi had already collected Xiaojian into [Langya Ring], picked up Xiexiu's storage bag, and walked quickly to Jin Hongxuan.

Seeing Jin Hongxuan's pale face, Su Yi's heart tightened, "Senior, is the injury serious?"

"Don't worry, it's just a small injury, nothing serious." Jin Hongxuan squeezed out a smile and said indifferently.

Su Yi was still worried, and directly gave Jin Hongxuan a Yunling Pill.

"Su Yi, Yunling Pill is too precious, let's keep it." Jin Hongxuan declined.

Although he was seriously injured, he didn't hurt the root cause, and he could recover after recuperating for a month and a half.

"Senior, I don't have many other things, but there is no shortage of pills. You should take them quickly." There was a hint of persistence in Su Yi's words.


Jin Hongxuan didn't refuse, after taking the Yunling Pill, the paleness on his face gradually receded, and he also recovered some strength.With Su Yi's support, he slowly got up.

"Su Yi, thank you so much. If you hadn't made the move, our old bones would have been confessed here."

At this time, Zhao Chengyi and Nie Zhanpeng came forward and thanked Su Yi.

"The two seniors are too polite."

Su Yi smiled and said: "As a human race, how can we allow an evil cultivator to act recklessly here. It is my bounden duty to kill the evil cultivator."

Zhao Chengyi and Nie Zhanpeng immediately fell in love with Su Yi.

From Su Yi, they saw the responsibility that a human race should have.

What the current human race lacks is bloody and responsible young people.

They were very pleased that Su Yi could say that.

Zhao Chengyi nodded slightly, and then asked: "Su Yi, I heard that you joined Qingyun Sword Sect and became a true disciple. Is there such a thing?"

(End of this chapter)

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