Beast Invasion: One-click Attribute Extraction

Chapter 1173 Su Yi's Talent

Chapter 1173 Su Yi's Talent

Tens of thousands of years ago, the human race was also facing a catastrophe of genocide.

At this critical moment, Su Chen was born.

Relying on one's own power, suppress all races, strangle fierce beasts, and save the human race from danger.

It is also because of Su Chen's existence that the human race has since become the most powerful race of all races, and it has been brilliant for more than ten thousand years.

"We can't rely too much on Su Yi. After all, he is not yet 20 years old, and he still needs a long time to grow up." Zhao Chengyi said thoughtfully.

"Brother Zhao, I don't agree with your point of view."

Nie Zhanpeng said: "Senior Su Chen seemed to be in his early twenties when he became the strongest. Although Su Yi is only in the Illusory Spirit Realm, he is far from being able to compare with Senior Su Chen now. But don't forget that Su Yi started from a It has been less than a year since the rise of an ordinary person. His cultivation talent is not inferior to Senior Su Chen's at all, or even surpassed."

"in less than a year?"

Zhao Chengyi was completely shocked.

He knew a little about Su Yi's past, but he never thought that Su Yi could be promoted to the Illusory Spiritual Realm within a year.

This kind of cultivation speed can only be described as terrifying.

Maybe it won't take long to become the strongest.

"Junior Brother Nie, what you said is true?" Zhao Chengyi calmed down and asked instead.

It's not that he doesn't believe it, it's that the news is too shocking.

"This news is absolutely true, because I learned it from Gu Haotian." Nie Zhanpeng affirmed.

Zhao Chengyi was puzzled and said, "Why does Gu Haotian know so clearly?"

Nie Zhanpeng explained: "He also knew about it from Jiang Hongyi. Jiang Hongyi is the ancestor of the Jiang family, and the Jiang family has a direct descendant named Jiang Piaoxue who is Su Yi's fiancée. That's why he knows so clearly."


Zhao Chengyi suddenly realized, and then asked: "Then do you know why Su Yi was promoted so quickly?"

"It's mainly related to the talent star." Nie Zhanpeng smiled meaningfully.

"Then what is Su Yi's talent star?" Zhao Chengyi became interested.

Generally speaking, the highest talent star is 10 stars.

But some geniuses will break through 10 stars and reach more than 10 stars.

For example, his talent star is 14 stars.

But even with a talent of more than a dozen stars, it's impossible to break through from an ordinary person to the Illusory Spiritual Realm within a year, right?
Nie Zhanpeng said calmly: "Su Yi's talent star should have reached the level of 27 stars."

"27 stars?"

Even with Zhao Chengyi's concentration, he was completely sluggish at this moment.

Seeing Zhao Chengyi's startled expression, Nie Zhanpeng couldn't help but burst out laughing.

When he heard the news, he was no less shocked than Zhao Chengyi.

"Brother Zhao, Su Yi has a very powerful ability in addition to his high star talent." Nie Zhanpeng said with a smile.

About Su Yi, Zhao Chengyi must be informed sooner or later, simply to surprise Zhao Chengyi once.

"What else?" Zhao Chengyi asked.

"Su Yi also knows how to decipher ancient characters, and the deciphering speed is very fast, often only takes a few minutes. More importantly, the accuracy rate is 100%." ​​Nie Zhanpeng said seriously.

"Can you still decipher ancient texts?"

Zhao Chengyi's expression changed, and he complained, "Why didn't you tell me earlier?"

There is an ancient secret technique on his body that cannot be deciphered. If he had known that Su Yi had this ability, he would have asked Su Yi to help decipher it.

"You didn't ask me either." Nie Zhanpeng smiled wryly.

(End of this chapter)

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