Beast Invasion: One-click Attribute Extraction

Chapter 1191 Crushing Gongsun Xiu

Chapter 1191 Crushing Gongsun Xiu

Before that, Gongsun Xiu also had some understanding of Su Yi.

Rumor has it that Su Yi possesses a secret technique of transformation. After transformation, his strength value soars, making him fierce and domineering.

Originally, he was ready to confront Su Yi head-on.

Unexpectedly, Su Yi didn't play his cards according to the rules at all, and directly used the secret speed technique to avoid his punch, and then resorted to a sneak attack.

The means can be described as despicable!

Fortunately, he responded in a timely manner, otherwise he would suffer a big loss.

"Sneak attack will never be successful. Today I will let you know that in the face of absolute strength, any conspiracy is just a display." Gongsun Xiu calmed down and suddenly sneered.

"To deal with something like you, do I still need a sneak attack?"

Su Yi smiled faintly, "Confidence is a good thing, but I want to remind you, your armor seems to be broken."


Gongsun Xiu quickly stretched out his hand and touched the back. After confirming that the armor was indeed broken, his whole face was so gloomy that water was about to drip.

This armor is his greatest reliance on invincibility, once it is damaged, his strength will inevitably drop sharply.

"Su Yi, how dare you damage my armor, I will kill you!"

Gongsun Xiu seemed to be insane, and rushed towards Su Yi crazily.

"You're still too impetuous!"

Su Yi pouted, raised his hand and punched out.

Suddenly, a roar of a tiger shook the sky.

At this moment, [Tiger Tiangang Fist] was used impressively.

Gongsun Xiu looked fearless, and also bombarded with his fists.

There was a muffled sound.

The next moment, the two fists collided without any fancy.

The violent force raged, blowing the clothes of the two of them rustling.

There was a slight stalemate between the two fists, followed by a 'click' sound of bone breaking.

However, Gongsun Xiu's fist collapsed quickly.


Gongsun Xiu screamed and shot backwards.

After flying seven or eight meters in a row, it fell heavily to the ground.

Looking at him at this time, the whole face was bloodless.

As for the right hand, it was a bloody mess, even the stubble of the bone was exposed, it was absolutely useless.

"Su Yi is awesome!"

"With this level of strength, trying to challenge Su Yi in vain is simply humiliating yourself!"

There was silence for a while, and then cheers erupted.

It was Cao Qinglang and the others who shouted excitedly.

"This is the end?"

Bai Tengyun rubbed his eyes in disbelief.

Originally, I thought that the collision between the two young strong men would be a protracted battle, at worst it would last for a hundred rounds.

Unexpectedly, Su Yi only made two shots and knocked Gongsun Xiuqian to the ground.

The strength between the two is not at the same level at all.

Gongsun Xiu is vulnerable in front of Su Yi!

"How much strength has Su Yi reached?" Bai Tengyun suddenly thought of this question.

You must know that Gongsun Xiu's strength value has reached the level of 20000 kilograms, which is quite terrifying.

But in the case of facing hard steel with Su Yi, he was still crushed, and even his right hand was crippled.

It can be seen that Su Yi's strength value is probably close to 30000 kilograms.

Bai Tengyun's guess was right. After taking the magic body pill, Su Yi's own strength value reached 14000 kilograms. With the double increase of [Tiger Tiangang Fist], it was 28000 kilograms, which was indeed close to the level of 30000 kilograms.

"Are you still convinced?"

Su Yi walked slowly to Gongsun Xiu, bowed his head and asked coldly.

"Ha ha."

Gongsun Xiu had a look of misery on his face. He looked at Su Yi and smiled sullenly, "I, Gongsun Xiu, have never lost a game since my debut! No one can beat me, and you are no exception!"

(End of this chapter)

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