Chapter 1201 Almighty Warrior

After three breaths, a white glow suddenly appeared on the diamond-shaped beam of light.

The first time it appeared, this white glow shot up quickly, breaking through the tenth frame almost in an instant.

"Talent above 10 stars!" The bark old man's expression changed.

Each grid on the diamond-shaped beam of light represents 1 star.

To break through 10 grids, the talent is above 10 stars.

"It's just a 10-star talent, what's the fuss about?" the strong man in the iron tower muttered nonchalantly.

But as soon as he finished speaking, his entire expression froze.

However, the white glow on the diamond-shaped beam of light broke through 20 squares in an instant, and then continued to move up, until it stopped at the 27th square.

"My God! It's really a 27-star talent!"

At this moment, everyone was stunned.

No matter how unbelievable they may find it, the fact is that Su Yi's talent is indeed 27 stars, there is no doubt about it.

"How could this be?" The strong man in the iron tower was dumbfounded.

Just now, he was thinking of exposing Su Yi's lies and slapping Su Yi in the face in public.

Never thought, Su Yi didn't brag at all.

Instead, he was slapped severely like a clown.

After the test, Su Yi withdrew his hand, turned to face the strong man in the iron tower, and said meaningfully: "Senior, sometimes don't talk too much."


The face of the strong man in the iron tower was red and white.

I am Nima!Su Yi is so hateful!

She actually humiliated him in person!
At this moment, his heart was extremely angry, but he was powerless to refute anything.

"Haha. The sixth child also has times when he is deflated."

The little girl next to her laughed happily.

"Old Seven, shut up!"

The strong man in the iron tower stared at the little loli and let out a low growl.

"I just want to say, if you are not convinced, come and bite!" Little Lolita was not afraid at all.

She is two levels higher than the strong man in the iron tower, and the opponent can't beat her at all.

"Good men do not fight with women!"

The strong man in the iron tower snorted softly and found a step for himself.

At this time, the bark old man walked up to Su Yi and said with a smile: "Su Yi, your talent is indeed good, comparable to that of Senior Su Chen. But it is still a bit difficult to lead the human race against the beast."

The strong man in the iron tower said with a thought: "Boss is right, your talent is indeed very high, but in other respects you are not even a star behind Senior Su Chen, so it's better to keep a low profile."

"Where the hell am I being high-profile?"

Su Yi was a little speechless, and said in a deep voice: "What do you mean by the other aspects that the senior said?"

"Su Yi, I'm still not convinced by your tone! Then I'll talk to you."

The strong man in the iron tower sneered: "Senior Su Chen is not only extremely talented, but also an all-round warrior! How can you compare with the two major systems of Dharma and Body?"

"Almighty warrior? The two major cultivation systems of law and body?" Su Yi didn't understand.

Seemingly seeing Su Yi's doubts, the fat man explained with a smile: "Su Yi, the previous cultivation system is different from the current one, but they are similar. The Dharma body refers to spiritual cultivation and strength cultivation."


Su Yi suddenly realized, and said naturally: "In this way, I am also an all-around warrior."

Isn't it just to practice aura and temper your body?Both of these are concurrently cultivated by him.

The strong man in the iron tower sneered: "Do you know what a real all-round warrior is? An all-round warrior has cultivated the top ten auras and tempered his body to the extreme. How dare you say it?"

(End of this chapter)

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