Chapter 1211 Let You One Millimeter
A look of arrogance appeared on the face of the strong man in the iron tower, and he said disdainfully: "Su Yi, then I will come and meet you, and let you know what real power cultivation is."

"Senior, I have already said, don't be too confident in everything. When you lose to me, don't cry." Su Yi said playfully.

"My Nima!"

The strong man in the iron tower is about to explode.

Everyone else laughed lightly.

Normally, the strong man in the iron tower is a guy who can hurt people, but in front of Su Yi, he is basically a younger brother.

I was irritated after a few words, and I didn't have any temper at all.

However, they are also happy to see it.

The fat man suddenly said, "How far are you going to run?"

Since it is a race, it is necessary to set a distance to make a judgment.

Su Yi pointed to a lonely big tree in front of him, "Use that big tree as the criterion, whoever gets there first wins."

The big tree is only more than 100 meters away from here, which is equivalent to a [-]-meter race.


The fat man nodded, drew out a long sword, and drew a straight line in front of Su Yi and the towering man.

This straight line is the starting line, and no one can cross the straight line before the start of the race.

Su Yi and the strong man in the iron tower stood behind the straight line at the same time and made preparations.

"Su Yi, I will convince you to lose this time!" The strong man in the iron tower moved his limbs and sneered at Su Yi.

Su Yi curled his lips and smiled contemptuously, "Senior, to be honest, in the race, I dare to be the second, and no one dares to be the first. As for you, it is even more impossible! To say it without bragging, even if you One millimeter, I don't have any pressure at all."

"Stop pretending!" The strong man in the iron tower roared, "I told you five millimeters, and I will still abuse you!"

"Deal!" Su Yi chuckled, "Senior, please move back five millimeters."

Iron tower strong man: "."

I am Nima!
I just said it casually, are you serious?Do you want to be shameless?

In fact, to them, even moving back five millimeters is nothing at all.

But the point is, the mentality exploded!

"Little Six, hurry up." The obese man reminded.

The strong man in the iron tower let out a snort, and moved back reluctantly.

Su Yi glanced at him and said with a smile: "Senior, you only moved back four millimeters. But it's okay, I'll let you one millimeter."

The strong man in the iron tower swallowed, his heart was burning with anger, like a volcano about to erupt.

At this moment, he wished he could slap Su Yi to death.

He had never seen such a master who could manipulate people's mentality, it was too hateful.

"You two are ready, I will start counting to 1." The obese man didn't want to waste time, and started counting.


With two swishes, Su Yi and the towering man rushed out at the same time.

But I saw the strong man in the iron tower galloping forward like a mad buffalo.

On the other side, Su Yi directly used [Liuyun Fengying], and his body was like a hurricane, setting off a cloud of flying sand and rocks.

In isolation, both are fast.

But if they are compared together, the gap is too obvious.

Su Yi had already reached the finish line when the strong man on the iron tower had just rushed 20 meters.

The outcome is very clear.

"I'm damn! Are you a human being?"

Seeing that Su Yi had reached the finish line, the strong man in the iron tower stopped in his tracks, with a face full of tears.

He has already lost two games, which is too embarrassing.

(End of this chapter)

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