Chapter 1215 Never Regret

The people present were somewhat unwilling, but without Su Yi's help, it was indeed impossible to pass through the maze safely.

If you can't pass the maze, you can't get the treasure.

It's better to promise than to get nothing.

"We also agree." The middle-aged scholar and the others did not object.

"You seniors made very wise choices, and I will definitely do my best to help you pass through the maze!" Su Yi said happily.

"We'll talk about this later." The old man bark interrupted: "Su Yi, there is one last match, we still have to follow the rules."

Su Yi has won six games in a row, and if he wins another game, he can leave here.

Of course, rules are rules, and they won't release water.

"No problem." Su Yi smiled lightly, and his gaze fell on the strong man in the iron tower. "In the last match, I plan to single out Senior Six!"


Everyone was stunned.

Only Su Yi, who is at the fifth level of the Illusory Spiritual Realm, wants to single out a strong man with an iron tower at the third level of the Godly Realm?

Isn't this humiliating?

The strong man in the iron tower was stunned for a moment, and then laughed wildly: "Su Yi, you are too bloated! Believe it or not, I will crush you to death with one finger?"

The old bark asked, "Su Yi, are you kidding me?"

The Illusory Spiritual Realm challenges the Divine Ability Realm, unless the brain is not working well.

How could Su Yi be such a person?

"Senior, I may not have explained clearly." Su Yi explained: "It is true that I challenged the sixth senior, but there is a premise that I cannot use spiritual energy."

He will definitely not challenge a martial artist who is in the realm of the gods.

But if you don't use aura, it's another matter.

Not using aura is just a competition between strength repairs.

And in this field, only my daughter can hold hands with him, and the rest are younger brothers.


The old man bark was relieved a lot, but he still didn't think Su Yi would be his opponent.

Because the iron tower man's attainments in strength repair are quite awesome, and his strength value has already approached the level of 20000 kilograms.

Ordinary Li Xiu would not be an opponent at all.

The old man bark wanted to remind, but the strong man in the iron tower said first: "Su Yi, I agree."

"Su Yi's last match is hopeless." The obese man and the others shook their heads secretly.

Similarly, none of them was optimistic about Su Yi.

I don't understand why Su Yi did this?
Why not let that powerful spiritual pet fight?Wouldn't that be an immediate win?

How did they know that Su Yi did it on purpose.

It is not his style that the strong man in the iron tower targets him from the beginning to the end, and does not look for opportunities to vent his anger.

"Senior Liu, are you quite confident?" Su Yi smiled lightly.

The strong man in the iron tower narrowed his eyes and looked at Su Yi, with a clear look of contempt in his eyes, "Su Yi, you have put on enough pretense today, and I will definitely beat you back to your original form in the last match. But don't worry, I will be measured, just beat you to tears."

"In terms of pretending to be aggressive, I'm still far behind you." Su Yi chuckled, "Besides, it doesn't matter who is crying. If you are rubbed on the ground by me, don't hold grudges against me."

"Good guy, Su Yi's mouth is really powerful!" Everyone clicked their tongues.

"My Nima!"

The chest of the strong man in the iron tower heaved violently, and he said through gritted teeth: "Su Yi, you will regret saying these words."

Su Yi raised his eyebrows, "I have beaten hundreds of people before, and I have never regretted it. Seniors don't have to worry about this."

"Grass!" The strong man in the iron tower snorted, "Stop rambling, let's get started."

If you continue to talk to Su Yi, you will definitely be pissed off.

(End of this chapter)

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