Chapter 1223 Labyrinth Disc
The barbecue feast lasted for four hours before it was over.

Su Yi returned to the cave and lay on the bed, his mind slowly turning.

After this dinner, he became acquainted with the other party.

Especially the strong man in the iron tower, he is regarded as a friend who has forgotten the year.

In addition, through the conversation, I already knew why the other party came to this secret realm.

It turned out that hundreds of years ago, after the Capricorn continent was captured by ferocious beasts, the seven of them hid everywhere, and finally entered the secret realm helplessly.

This stay is more than 100 years.

During this period, they also had the idea of ​​leaving.

But when he thought that the outside world was almost occupied by ferocious beasts, and other alien races also surrendered to the ferocious beasts, and they would no longer have a foothold, he gave up this idea.

In addition, in order to prevent people from going out to die, they also set a rule.

No matter who it is, anyone who wants to leave the secret realm must defeat other people.

None of the seven of them tried it, but Su Yi, a latecomer, became the first to eat crabs.

Later, Su Yi calmed down and opened [Langya Precept] and [Linlang Precept] successively to observe the situation of the spiritual pet and the spiritual plant.

Time passed, and the next morning came.

Today is the day to enter the maze, Su Yi is quite excited.

After walking out of the cave, the bark old man and others had already gathered in the valley.

"Good morning, seniors." Su Yi stepped forward and greeted with a smile.


Everyone responded.

Not to mention, after yesterday's barbecue, the relationship between them has obviously become much closer.

"Su Yi, this trip to the maze is entirely up to you." The bark old man said solemnly.

There are many dangers in the maze, even if you take a wrong step, you may be lost forever.

Su Yi played a vital role in whether he could pass through the maze and find the treasure.

"This junior must do his best." Su Yi nodded.

Without further ado, the bark old man opened the storage bag and took out a golden disc from it.

This disk is only the size of a palm, and it is densely covered with some golden lines, exuding a dazzling golden radiance, making it difficult to look directly at it.

"What is this disc for?" Su Yi glanced at it and murmured.

But at this moment, an unusually strong feeling suddenly surged in my heart.

There is no doubt that it is the performance of the ability to sense treasures to resonate.

"This disc is a treasure!" Su Yi's expression shook.

With the improvement of his strength, his vision has also increased, and ordinary things are no longer so noticeable.

The ability to sense treasures is like a tacit understanding, it is not a particularly valuable thing, and it will not resonate.

The resonance this time is enough to show that this disc is absolutely extraordinary.

"Senior, what is this disc?" Su Yi couldn't help asking.

The bark old man didn't hide it, and said directly: "He is what I call the maze."


Su Yi was very surprised.

If the disc is a maze, it means there is space inside, which is almost the same as the space tower.

The difference is that the space tower cannot be stored in the storage bag.

But this labyrinth disc can, so you can take it with you.

"Senior, how do we get in?" Su Yi asked again.

"The method is actually very simple." The bark old man smiled, then took out something similar to a spirit crystal and installed it on the disc.

(End of this chapter)

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