Beast Invasion: One-click Attribute Extraction

Chapter 1226 Finding the Entrance

Chapter 1226 Finding the Entrance
"Okay." Su Yi didn't object.

Afterwards, the bark old man explained the situation.

The strong man in the iron tower and others walked to the pool to observe, and Su Yi also took the opportunity to use the [Eye of Illusion] to watch it again.

After 10 minutes, everyone returned to their original places, and their expressions became unsightly.

Even Su Yi's expression became a little dignified.

Because they didn't find any clues.

If you can't find the entrance, you will not be able to enter the next level, and it will be impossible to find the treasure.

"Why don't we just go into a water pool and try it?" The strong man in the iron tower suggested.

"Are you stupid?" The fat man said angrily: "Once you choose the wrong entrance, you will fall into a situation of eternal doom. It's not like you don't know this."

The strong man in the iron tower said unconvinced: "Then what do you say? Wait forever? Or go back the same way?"

"Shut up both of you." The bark old man scowled with a gloomy face.

No matter what time it is, these two guys are still in the mood to quarrel, it's really annoying!

The strong man in the iron tower and the fat man suddenly fell silent.

As if he didn't hear the quarrel, Su Yi pondered for a while, then turned to the [Smart Chariot] and asked: "No. 2, have you noticed?"

[Smart Chariot] said: "I think the biggest possibility lies in the water quality."

Su Yi asked in confusion: "How could the water quality be different?"

He even used the [Eye of Illusion]. If there was a problem, he should have noticed it long ago.

[Smart Chariot] explained: "The water in the pool seems to be the same, but the weight may not be the same."

"It makes sense." Su Yi's eyes lit up.

Some liquids look so similar that they cannot be distinguished with the naked eye.

But their densities are different, which leads to different weights.

And if there is a pool of water that has a different weight from the other six, doesn't that mean there is a difference?

Thinking of this, Su Yi quickly took out seven empty mineral water bottles and filled them one by one.

Everyone was dumbfounded and didn't know what Su Yi was doing.

But no one bothered.

At this time, Su Yi took the mineral water bottles filled with water and weighed them one by one, and indeed found a difference.

One of the mineral water bottles weighs at least twice as much as the rest.

"I found the entrance." Su Yi laughed.


Everyone was at a loss.

what's the situation?Do you know the entrance after filling some water?

Su Yi didn't play with mystery either, and simply explained.

Hearing and listening, everyone understood.

"Okay, let's not waste time. When I enter the pool, you must follow me closely." Su Yi urged.

There are notes in the reminder, the pool extends in all directions, if you go wrong, you will get lost in it.

"Don't worry, there will be no problem." The bark old man nodded.

"Okay then, let's act."

Su Yi stopped talking, took a deep breath, and walked straight into the pool.

If you want to pass through the water pool to reach the third pass, you have to pass through a distance of more than 100 meters. It is difficult to pass without holding your breath.

The water pool was icy cold, and Su Yi dived down quickly as soon as he entered it.

According to the prompt, first dive ten meters, find a hole, and then continue diving through this hole.

It was pitch black under the pool, and it was impossible to tell the direction at all.

For this reason, Su Yi could only hold the [Smart Chariot] and use it as a strong flashlight.

(End of this chapter)

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