Beast Invasion: One-click Attribute Extraction

Chapter 1231 Can You Converge 1 Point

Chapter 1231 Can you restrain yourself a bit

"Really?" Everyone was inexplicably excited.

The small-headed old man even directly took out the materials for refining Shouyuan Pill and handed them to Su Yi, who seemed to have great trust in Su Yi.

Su Yi was sure that the materials were correct, and it was naturally included in the [Qiankun Ring].

There are more than a dozen refined Shouyuan Pills in his hand, so there is no need to refine them on site.

Just when Su Yi was about to take out the Shouyuan Pill, the strong man in the iron tower came over and reminded: "Su Yi, are you sure? If you really can't, forget it."

These words are actually good intentions, because if the refining fails, it is tantamount to thankless efforts.

"Sixth, what's the matter with you here?" The small-headed old man pulled the strong man aside and said, "It doesn't matter even if Su Yi's refinement fails, this is my choice."

The strong man in the iron tower muttered: "It's better to take the Shouxi fruit, at least it can increase the lifespan by five years."

The small-headed old man smiled wryly, "I've already taken one before, and taking it again won't increase my lifespan."

Shouxi fruit can indeed increase longevity, but it can only be taken once at most.


The strong man in the iron tower understood it, so he stopped persuading him.

"Su Yi, when will you refine the Shouyuan Pill?" the small-headed old man asked expectantly.

Su Yi smiled, "I have a finished product, I'll give it to you directly."

After saying that, he took out seven longevity pills and handed them to the small-headed old man.

"Seven?" The small-headed old man was stunned on the spot.

The others were also inexplicably surprised.

what's the situation?Why did Su Yi take out seven longevity pills all of a sudden?

"Su Yi, is this all for me?" the small-headed old man asked with a trembling mouth.

Originally, as long as Su Yi could refine a Shouyuan Pill, he would be satisfied.

Who would have thought that Su Yi would give seven directly.

Happiness came so suddenly that he was in a trance.

"Yes." Su Yi affirmed.

"Old Five, is this the real Shouyuan Pill?" The strong man in the iron tower asked in disbelief.

"It's absolutely true." The small-headed old man was very excited.

As early as a hundred years ago, he had taken the Shouyuan Pill once, so he could tell the authenticity at a glance.

"It's really Shouyuan Pill!" Everyone was shocked.

The strong man in the iron tower couldn't help asking: "Su Yi, where did you get so many longevity pills?"

The materials for refining Shouyuan Pill are extremely precious, especially the Shouxi fruit, which is even rarer.Even if Su Yi can refine it himself, where can he get so many materials?
"Of course I refined it myself." Su Yi said without hesitation, and then added, "Because refining the Shouyuan Pill is more experienced, so I can guarantee that at least seven pills will be refined in one furnace."


Everyone was stunned.

Can one furnace refine seven longevity pills?Do you want to be so evil?

In their impression, even for the most famous alchemists, being able to refine five alchemists in one furnace is considered as top-notch.

Are all the young alchemists now so vigorous?Worse than those famous alchemists?

Or in other words, only Su Yi has this ability?

But Su Yi is not there yet!Why are you so awesome?
The strong man in the iron tower smiled, "Su Yi, although we are friends, there are still some things I want to say. When you brag next time, can you restrain yourself?"

He didn't believe that Su Yi could refine seven of them at all, so he thought Su Yi was pretending to be coercive.

Su Yi: "."

I'm just telling the truth, how could it be bragging.

(End of this chapter)

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