Chapter 1234 Goodbye Gargoyle

After 10 minutes, the strong man in the iron tower couldn't wait to verify it.

When it was confirmed that the strength of 1000 kilograms had indeed been increased, he danced excitedly.

The others didn't hesitate anymore, and each took the Magic Body Pill.

"I didn't expect that my strength would break through to 3000 kilograms in my lifetime." The middle-aged scholar sighed with emotion.

"Thanks to Su Yi!" The obese man reminded.

"Su Yi, thank you so much!" Everyone thanked Su Yi one after another.

"Seniors, we are all friends, there is no need to be polite between friends." Su Yi said with a smile.

Su Yi can say that, the obese man and others are very happy.

But the strong man in the iron tower was not happy.

Isn't he the only friend of Su Yi?What qualifications do others have?
The strong man in the iron tower said self-righteously: "Su Yi is just talking casually, you must not take it seriously. Among us, only I am Su Yi's friend."

"Cut! Do you think you have a big face?"

These words immediately met with blank eyes.

Su Yi is also a strong man in the iron tower, so he simply didn't say anything, and continued to refine the elixir.

Time flies, and another ten days have passed.

The past ten days have been uneventful.

Su Yi finished refining all the elixirs he had refined, so he stopped.

However, he was not idle, and started to practice instead.

Since he got the system, his way of improving his cultivation was mainly to extract attributes, and he seldom practiced actively.

Now that you have time, you can't waste it.

Just as Su Yi was sitting cross-legged and performing exercises, [Smart Chariot] suddenly reminded: "Su Yi, someone is coming."


Su Yi frowned, quickly got up and looked into the distance.

In the line of sight, a graceful woman in white clothes flew towards this side, and behind her was a group of ugly beasts with wings.

Judging from the scene, the woman was clearly chased by those ugly monsters.

"Gargoyle?" The corners of Su Yi's mouth suddenly widened.

He could see clearly that those ugly beasts were exactly the same as the gargoyles in the War God Tower.

The difference is that those in front of them are obviously stronger, at least at the first stage of the Illusory Spiritual Realm.

"Strange, why did that woman run away?" Seeing this scene, the bark old man let out a sigh.

Judging from the aura emanating from both sides, the woman is a martial artist at the fifth level of the divine realm.

On the other hand, those ugly beasts are only at the second level of the Illusory Spirit Realm.

With the strength of the woman in white, she can completely kill the opponent in an instant, so why run away?

Su Yi guessed that these gargoyles were likely to be the same as those in the God of War Tower, as long as they were killed, they would be resurrected immediately.

Even if the woman in white is a warrior in the supernatural realm, it is impossible to kill all the gargoyles, so she chose to escape.

What Su Yi is interested in now is, who is the woman in white?Why are you being hunted down by gargoyles?And why did you run to them?

"Boss, they are here, what should we do?" the strong man in the iron tower asked.

"Wait and see what happens! Get ready for battle." The old man bark pondered for a moment and said.

Right now, I don't know whether the opponent is an enemy or a friend, so it would be inappropriate to act hastily.

Observe the situation first, and then it is not too late to make a decision.


The strong man in the iron tower and others became vigilant.

The next moment, the woman in white flew to a standstill five meters in front of the crowd.

And those gargoyles that were chasing after them detoured to both sides like a tide.

In a blink of an eye, the woman in white, Su Yi and others were all surrounded.

(End of this chapter)

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