Chapter 1236 The reason
"Sixth, shut up!" The bark old man scolded, then turned to the woman in white and said, "What qualifications do you have to cooperate with us?"

Iron tower strong man: "."

I am Nima!
I can't say this.

You said that there is no problem, but the high level of co-authorship is awesome?
The woman in white was stunned for a moment, but quickly returned to normal, and said with a smile: "First kill the second batch of gargoyles."

"There are still gargoyles?" Everyone was a little at a loss.

Hadn't all the gargoyles been killed?I didn't see another batch of gargoyles coming!
But soon, they discovered the clue.

But seeing those dead gargoyles turned into a cloud of black mist one after another, after a surge, they condensed into gargoyles again, just like before.

"What the hell? Can you be resurrected?" Everyone was surprised.

At this moment, the roar of the gargoyle broke the silence on the field.

As soon as the roar fell, a hundred gargoyles rushed towards the crowd with their teeth and claws open.


The strong man in the iron tower snorted coldly, and was the first to make a move.

The others were not idle either, each using their own methods.After a while, all one hundred gargoyles were killed.

Although it was still very relaxed, everyone noticed something was wrong.

After the gargoyle was resurrected, its strength did not decrease at all, and it was still at the second level of the Illusory Spirit Realm.

If this is an infinite resurrection, even the supernatural realm can't bear it.

At this moment, they also understood why the woman in white was forced to flee.

"Should we give us an explanation now?" The bark old man stared at the woman in white and said coldly.

The woman in white still remained calm, and said slowly: "This place has been controlled by a weapon spirit, and he will kill all outsiders and weapon spirits that do not submit to him. We need to cooperate if we want to survive."

"The artifact spirit you mentioned is the labyrinth disc artifact?" asked the bark old man.

"The Disc Labyrinth Artifact Spirit has been killed." The white-clothed woman's expression froze, and she said in a deep voice, "The Artifact Spirit I'm talking about was transformed by the Heavenly Axe."

"There are so many weapon spirits here? Where did they come from?" The bark old man was astonished.

Originally, they guessed that the level change was caused by the spirit of the disc maze.

Never thought that was not the case at all.

"Isn't there a treasure house here? There are several artifacts in it, and we are all transformed by artifacts." The woman in white explained.

"Are you also a tool spirit?" The corner of the bark old man's mouth twitched.

The woman in white nodded slightly, "I am the weapon spirit derived from the Bai Tao Po Xin sword, you can call me Bai Xin."

When the bark old man wanted to ask a question, the strong man in the iron tower suddenly reminded, "Boss, those gargoyles have come back to life again."

"Kill them!" The bark old man ordered with a frown.

Without saying a word, the strong man on the iron tower rushed up to fight with the gargoyle.

The bark old man continued to ask: "What's the situation with these gargoyles? Can they be resurrected infinitely?"

Bai Xin explained: "These gargoyles are controlled by a weapon spirit. As long as the weapon spirit does not die, they can resurrect the gargoyles non-stop. Of course, it is not infinite resurrection, and the maximum resurrection is [-] times in a day."

"Ten thousand?" The bark old man clicked his tongue.

The number of gargoyles is 100 at a time, and if they are revived [-] times, it will be [-] million.

This amount is quite terrifying.

Even if they are added together, they may not be able to kill them all.

(End of this chapter)

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