Chapter 1238
Seeing Su Yi's confident look, the old man bark was slightly taken aback, then nodded and said, "Don't worry, I will fully cooperate with you."

Based on his understanding of Su Yi, Su Yi is by no means a targetless person.

Anything that can be said can be done.

This point has been verified before.

Su Yi stopped talking, and instead used [Eye of Illusion] to scan around.

His method is actually very simple, as long as he locks the position of the weapon spirit, uses [Mirror Mirror Clone] to approach, and then unexpectedly summons Xiaojian to kill him.

Soon, Su Yi found clues in the grass not far away.

In that piece of grass, there is a green bug that is as thick as a thumb and is more than ten centimeters away.

At this time, it was lying motionless on a small grass, with a faint green halo emitting from its surface, almost blending with this small grass.

But under the watchful eye of the [Eye of Illusion], all illusions are just decorations.

"It's really disgusting to be transformed into a weapon spirit and become a bug." Su Yi muttered.

In order to avoid arousing Qi Ling's idea, he only glanced at it, and then quickly looked away.

Then he opened [Langya Ring] and explained to Xiaojian, and then cast [Mirror Mirror Clone].

The next moment, Su Yi's body was in a state of invisibility, and he quietly sneaked towards Qi Ling.

The bark old man at the side saw that Su Yi kept looking around, and didn't ask any more questions. He was always on guard to prevent someone from attacking Su Yi.


Bai Bai looked at Su Yi and couldn't help but snorted coldly.

It is not difficult to judge from Su Yi's behavior that he should be looking for the weapon spirit.

However, even she couldn't find any clues, so how could Su Yi find it?
Just when the two had different thoughts, a bright sword light suddenly burst out from a distance of more than [-] meters in front of them.

Immediately afterwards, an extremely fierce sword intent escaped.

what's the situation?
Everyone was shocked, and Qi Qi looked at where Jian Guang was.

In the line of sight, a ten-foot-sized long sword swung down towards the ground in the air.

A stream of colorful sword energy shot out from the sword body, sealing off the entire surrounding area.

The next moment, a blue bug more than ten centimeters long suddenly appeared in the grass, desperately fleeing into the distance.

However, under the blockade of sword energy, how could he escape.


There was only a scream, but the green bug was directly strangled and turned into powder, and died on the spot.

The moment it died, the nearby gargoyles shattered into puffs of black mist at the same time, and finally disappeared.

"Is it that simple to kill Qi Ling?"

Seeing this scene, Bai Bai was completely stunned.

The demise of the gargoyle also means the extermination of Qi Ling.

But she couldn't figure it out, who did it?
"Success!" The bark old man clenched his fists excitedly.

He can be sure that Su Yi must have done this.

Although, so far it is not known how Su Yi did it.

But you should be happy.

"Boss, what's going on? Why are those gargoyles gone?" The obese man and others walked up to the bark old man and asked suspiciously.

The bark old man chuckled, "Su Yi killed the weapon spirit that controlled the gargoyles, and those gargoyles would naturally disappear."

"What?" Everyone was stunned on the spot.

Only Su Yi from the Illusory Spirit Realm beheaded Qi Ling?Do you want to be so exaggerated?
(End of this chapter)

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