Chapter 1246 Bet
Everyone's faces were ugly.

No matter who is regarded as an ant, it will not be in a good mood.

"My motherfucker!" The strong man on the iron tower got angry on the spot, pointed at the short and strong young man's nose and cursed: "What the hell are you pretending to be! You are an ant."

"When I kill you, I hope you can still speak so toughly." The short and stout man sneered with disdain in his eyes.

"It's up to you?" The strong man in the iron tower rolled up his sleeves and put on a show.

He has self-knowledge, so he definitely doesn't dare to go up and fight one-on-one.

"Stop pretending, you bastard, I can crush you to death with one finger." The puppet man sneered.

When the strong man in the iron tower wanted to fight back, he was interrupted by Su Yi, "Senior, what are you doing with these two ugly monsters? I'll kill them all later."

"Where the hell did you come from?" The short and strong young man stared at Su Yi fiercely, as if he was about to eat Su Yi.

"Boy, you can pretend. Since you speak so arrogantly, do you dare to challenge me one-on-one?" The puppet man said disdainfully.

Su Yi frowned and said, "Okay, then I'll kill you first!"

He was planning to find a chance to kill the other party, but he never thought that the other party would take the initiative to send him to his door.

"Haha, I'm waiting for you, hurry up and kill me." The puppet man laughed wildly.

"Wait a minute first." Su Yi whispered, then turned to Bai Xin and said, "Don't you believe that I can kill him? Do you dare to make a bet with me?"

"Bet?" Bai Xin was stunned for a moment, then said, "What bet?"

Su Yi said lightly: "I just need to get rid of this puppet spirit with one move, and you will follow me in the future. If you can't do it, I will let you handle it."

Although Bai Xin is a little simple-minded, he is still a fifth-level weapon spirit of the supernatural realm, and his strength is quite sturdy.

If you can take the opportunity to subdue it, you will definitely be able to strengthen your own strength.

In addition, she and Xiaojian are both sword spirits, so it would be even better if they could make a pair.

In this way, Xiaojian will not be lonely and lonely in the future.

"What?" The strong man in the iron tower and the others were shocked.

In their opinion, it would be nice for Su Yi to kill the puppet spirit, how could he solve the battle with one move?

A little too arrogant?
"Boy, I will definitely make you cramp and make you regret saying those words!" The puppet man gnashed his teeth and roared angrily.

Su Yi ignored him, but looked at Bai Xin, waiting for Bai Xin's response.

[Smart Chariot] He secretly laughed in his heart, and said to himself: "Su Yi is really insidious. If Bai Xin agrees, he will be fooled."

No one knows Su Yi's combat effectiveness better than him.

Not to mention being invincible at the same level, Su Yi is still invincible even if he crosses one or two levels.

Moreover, Su Yi had a lot of cards in his hole, so it shouldn't be too simple to use one or two of them to kill the puppet spirit with one move.

"Are you serious?" Bai Xin couldn't believe it.

"Of course, everyone present is a witness." Su Yi affirmed.

"Su Yi, be careful!" The bark old man quickly persuaded.

It may be possible to defeat the puppet spirit with one move, but no one can kill it with one move.

The middle-aged scholar also persuaded, "Su Yi, don't be arrogant!"

Similarly, he also believed that it was impossible for Su Yi to kill the puppet spirit with one move.

"Seniors, you don't need to persuade me anymore, I've made up my mind." Su Yi asked Bai Xin with a firm face, "Do you dare to bet?"

(End of this chapter)

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