Beast Invasion: One-click Attribute Extraction

Chapter 1249 Opportunity to Improve Strength

Chapter 1249 Opportunity to Improve Strength

Su Yi's expression changed.

The bark old man will catch the beast spirit again!
This is a great opportunity to improve the strength of the spiritual pet, so of course you can't miss it.

Su Yi quickly opened the [Langya Ring] and summoned all the spiritual pets.

Wukong, Nannan, Ancient Dragon, Cracking Eagle, Time Dirt Beast, Half Moon Star Beast, Meng Ling, in short, seven spirit pets all appeared on the stage.

In addition, Xiaojian was also summoned.

"My God! So many soul pets!" The bark old man was shocked.

Others also looked sideways.

Time was running out, Su Yi hurriedly reminded the spirit pets: "Swallow these beast spirits, and your strength will soar, so don't stand still."


All the spiritual pets were excited and crazy.

Swallowing beast spirits can improve one's strength, and such a thing that falls from the sky is rare in a thousand years.

Immediately, all the spiritual pets jumped on the five giant apes like a hungry tiger.

The scene was once extremely bloody, and it was unbearable to look directly at.

Su Yi clicked his tongue, "A group of foodies!"

"How dare you devour my beast spirit! I will fight you, kill me!" Seeing that most of the five giant apes were eaten in an instant, the short and strong young man was going crazy.

Twenty cyan wolves received the order and rushed towards Su Yi frantically.

"Don't think about it!"

The strong man in the iron tower and others shot to stop him.

"Little bitch, you go too, and catch me alive." Su Yi ordered.


Xiaojian rushed up, unleashed sword energy, cut off the limbs of one of the giant wolves, and brought it to Su Yi.

When Nannan was about to come up to eat, she was stopped by Su Yi, "Nunnan, go out and catch it yourself, and leave this one to them."

With Nannan's strength, there is no pressure to deal with the beast spirits at the fifth level of the Illusory Spirit Realm.

As for other spiritual pets, they don't have this ability and must rely on his help.

"Okay big brother!"

Nannan rushed up excitedly, beat a giant wolf into a cripple with three punches and two kicks, and then began to eat.

At the same time, the others also started fighting with the giant wolf.

The strong man in the iron tower held a figurative sledgehammer, and smashed a giant blue wolf with one blow.

"Depend on!"

Seeing this scene, Su Yi was heartbroken.

Beast spirits are the great supplements of spiritual pets, and they will dissipate after being smashed.

In this way, the spiritual pet cannot improve its strength.

Su Yi wanted to remind him, but the battle situation was too chaotic, and he had to pay attention to protecting other spiritual pets, so he had to give up.

On the other side, the short and strong young man was not idle, and was constantly calling out to the beast spirits.

Soon, forty or fifty beast spirits gathered around him, including bears, pythons, and leopards.

Seeing this, Su Yi frowned slightly.

If the other party continues to summon, the people present may not be able to suppress it, and they will not be able to capture the beast spirit safely.

"You have to control the other party." Su Yi suddenly thought of this method.

Then, he told Xiaojian: "Xiaojian, don't worry about those beast spirits, you are responsible for protecting Wukong and them."

"Okay." Xiaojian nodded.

Su Yi didn't waste time anymore. After casting [Mirror Mirror Clone], the main body quietly came to the short and strong young man.

At this time, the short and strong young man didn't know it, and was speeding up the summoning of the beast spirit.

Suddenly, a big golden hand appeared in front of him.

Before he could react, his neck was already tightly strangled.


When he saw clearly that it was Su Yi who was strangling him, the short and strong young man's eyeballs almost popped out.

Even in his dreams, he couldn't imagine why Su Yi would appear in front of him without anyone noticing.

(End of this chapter)

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