Chapter 1256 Dangerous
"Then you come first, but you can't beat it to death. Because I don't like him too, I also want to fix him." Nannan said.

"Don't worry, at most he will be disabled."

With Nannie's consent, Wukong held the [Golden Disc Dragon Stick] and excitedly rushed towards Megatron.

"An ant-like thing!"

Megatron stood motionless on the spot, as if he didn't take Wukong seriously at all.

"Call you so pretentious!"

Wukong rushed forward, jumped up, and with both hands holding the golden staff, he slammed it down on Megatron.

This blow was like Mount Tai pressing down on the top, exerting his strength to the extreme.

The golden staff seemed to span space, and appeared above Megatron's head in an instant.

As the staff fell, it created a hurricane that disheveled Megatron's hair.

Also at this moment, Megatron made his move.

With a whoosh, a huge palm grabbed upwards, and accurately grasped the golden long stick in his hand.

When the two came into contact, a deafening roar erupted.

It felt like two hard metals collided together.

Moreover, after the golden stick was caught, it could no longer move an inch.

"How could this be?" Wukong looked terrified.

Originally, he thought that this stick could at least knock Megatron to the ground.

Unexpectedly, Megatron was not harmed at all.

This shows that Megatron's defense has reached a very terrifying level.

In addition, the strength value is also completely crushing him.

"not good!"

Su Yi and the others also noticed something was wrong, and their faces became extremely solemn.


But at this moment, a cold shout reverberated in the hall.

I saw Megatron holding the golden stick and throwing it casually, and Wukong flew to the side with the stick.

During the whole process, there was no ability to resist.

"Bai Xin, what's going on?" Su Yi looked at Bai Xin in vain, his eyes were cold.

The information given by Bai Xin is obviously wrong, Megatron's strength value has reached at least 80000 kilograms.

In this way, both Wukong and Nannan are in danger.

Bai Xin looked flustered, "The previous Megatron was clearly only 70000 kilograms, and I don't know why he became so powerful."

Su Yi snorted and ignored him.

Right now is not the time to pursue Bai Xin's responsibility, the first thing is to ensure the safety of Nannan and Wukong.

As for killing Megatron, it still needs a long-term plan.

"Ninny, you and Wukong come out first." Su Yi shouted.

Although Nannan was unwilling, she would not go against Su Yi's intention, and quickly ran to Wukong's side, pulling him to retreat outside the hall.

Megatron stood where he was, with a teasing look on his face, and he didn't stop him from the beginning to the end.

Seeing this scene, Su Yi was a little strange.

Megatron clearly had killing intentions towards Wukong and Nannai, why didn't he stop them?
But at this moment, [Smart Chariot] suddenly reminded: "Su Yi, there is a layer of restriction around the hall, Wukong and Nannan may not be able to come out."


Su Yi's face changed, and he quickly looked at Wukong and Nannan, and sure enough, he saw that they were blocked by a layer of restriction, unable to take a step out of the hall.

At this moment, he also understood why Megatron didn't stop him. He must know that Nannan and Wukong couldn't escape.

In this way, Nannan and Wukong are really in danger.

In addition, Su Yi thought of a more serious problem.

Did Bai Xin know about it a long time ago, but deliberately didn't say it?
So what is her purpose?
(End of this chapter)

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