Beast Invasion: One-click Attribute Extraction

Chapter 1271 Discovering the Green Turtles

Chapter 1271 Discovering the Green Turtles
On the other side, when Su Yi came out from the boundary passage, he was in a small stone cave, which was dark, damp, and even had a musty smell.

Su Yi glanced around, and ordered to the [Smart Chariot]: "No. 2, check the surrounding area."

This should be the mainland of the Green Turtle Clan. To be cautious, it is better to understand the surrounding environment first.

[Smart Chariot] Searched around and said, "Su Yi, we are in a mountain range, and there is no one around."

"That's good." Su Yi nodded slightly.

This situation is the same as what the bark old man said.

After a while, Su Yi walked out of the cave.

The moment he walked out, a ripple suddenly appeared at the entrance of the stone cave, and then it closed automatically.

Su Yi knew that the hole was not really closed, but the effect of the phantom formation.

However, this is not the focus of his attention. After withdrawing his gaze, he raised his hand and threw the [Smart Chariot] into the air.

Before coming here, the bark old man told him that this place is thousands of kilometers away from the boundary channel.

If you want to reach the boundary channel as soon as possible, it is more convenient to take the [smart chariot].

When the [Smart Chariot] transformed into a flying form, Su Yi jumped up.

"Su Yi, where are we going?" [Smart Chariot] asked.

Su Yi said: "Didn't the boss say that the boundary channel is directly east of the mountain range, let's go east."


[Smart Chariot] Pick up the speed and gallop towards the east.

Su Yi glanced outward from time to time. If he could find a strange beast, he could kill it and extract some abilities.

But unfortunately, no strange beast was found along the way.

"Strange, why are there no strange beasts here?" Su Yi muttered.

This mountain range is vast and boundless. Logically, even if there are no groups of strange beasts, there should be scattered ones.

Not a single one was missing, which was really weird.

[Smart Chariot] guessed: "Maybe they have all migrated."

"I don't care about him." Su Yi is no longer entangled in this matter, and now he is still focusing on returning to Blue Star.

[Smart Chariot] After flying for half an hour, it stopped suddenly.

"No. 2, did you find out what happened?" Su Yi asked.

[Smart Chariot] quickly said: "Su Yi, a large number of Green Turtles appeared in front of them, and they all flew towards one direction in the aircraft, and the number was as many as [-]."

"Green Turtle Clan?" Su Yi frowned, and ordered: "Number 2, send the picture of the Green Turtle Clan."

He hasn't seen what the Green Turtle Patriarch looks like yet, so he can just observe it.

"Su Yi, the screen has been transmitted to the central control screen." [Smart Chariot] reminded.

Su Yi turned his head and looked at the central control screen, only to see several turtle-like creatures inside an aircraft.

Unlike ordinary tortoises, they are about the same size as humans and can also walk upright.

Apart from a tortoise head, the biggest feature is that there is a tortoise shell on the back, just like carrying a shield.

"I wipe!"

Seeing this, Su Yi asked in surprise, "Isn't this the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles?"

Just from the appearance, the green turtles are exactly the same as the four turtles in the cartoon "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles".

"Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles?" [Smart Chariot] muttered, and said disdainfully: "Su Yi, the green turtles are the weakest race among all races, how can they be worthy of such a noble title?"

(End of this chapter)

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