Chapter 1278 Wreck
"Little bitch, kill them!" Su Yi gave the order.

There are only three Green Turtles in this city who are at the first level of supernatural powers. As long as these three are killed, they can do whatever they want.

It is not impossible to even destroy the entire city, and I will not believe that the other party will not come to help when the time comes.

Xiaojian flew out from the [Smart Chariot], and soon started fighting with the three Green Turtles.

After a while, three Green Turtles were killed one after another.

Xiaojian flew back to the [Smart Chariot] and handed over the three storage bags to Su Yi, which was also what Su Yi had explained before.

Su Yi flung his hands into [Qiankun Ring], then turned to [Smart Chariot] and asked, "Number 2, did the other party come to help?"

"Not yet." [Smart Chariot] replied.

"Then fall down." Su Yi ordered.

The other party didn't come to help, maybe they haven't received the news yet.Or the damage caused is not big enough, so simply play a big one and destroy the city.

After the [Smart Chariot] landed, the surrounding Green Turtles did not attack them, but chose to flee.

Before, the tragic death of three Green Turtles who were in the [-]st level of supernatural powers was vividly remembered.

It made them extremely frightened, and they couldn't give birth to any courage to fight against it.

Su Yi summoned a group of spiritual pets, and said with a cold expression: "Kill all the Green Turtle people here, and leave no one behind!"


A group of spiritual pets chased after him excitedly.

Xiaojian followed them and was responsible for protecting them.

Su Yi didn't make a move, but he didn't stay idle either, and began to search for shops one by one.

No weapon shop, elixir shop, or spiritual material shop will be spared.

Wherever it goes, nothing remains.

It has to be said that the shops in this city are full of beautiful things in eyes, and there are enough things.

Su Yi walked for a while, and the [Qiankun Ring] was almost full.

Later, he simply put the snatched things into the world fragments.

Wei Tie saw piles of items appearing in front of his eyes, and fell into deep contemplation.

In the blink of an eye, an hour passed.

During this period, a group of spiritual pets killed tens of thousands of Green Turtle people.

There were shrill screams everywhere in the city, and the corpses of the Green Turtle tribe could be seen everywhere.The bright red blood moon flowed on the ground, almost dyeing the ground blood red.

There is even a layer of blood mist floating in the sky above the city, exuding a strong bloody atmosphere.

It is no exaggeration to say that the city at this time is indistinguishable from the Shura Baths.

Seeing this scene, Su Yi looked indifferent, without any sense of guilt.

The Green Turtles acted as running dogs of fierce beasts and committed heinous crimes against the human race. Even if they were wiped out, it would not be an exaggeration.

Just as Su Yi collected all the ore in a shop into world fragments, [Smart Chariot] suddenly reminded: "Su Yi, someone from the other side is here to help."

Su Yi's expression changed, "Is that the night demon clansman who is at the fourth level of the supernatural power?"

"No, it's the two Night Demons and Green Turtles who are at the second level of supernatural powers." [Smart Chariot] said quickly.

Hearing this, Su Yi frowned.

If they failed to attract the night demon clansmen who were at the fourth level of the supernatural power, the plan had failed.

If you want to enter the boundary channel, you need to think about it in the long run.

Su Yi sighed softly, and summoned all the spirit species back into the [Langya Ring], leaving only Xiaojian outside.

A few minutes later, two figures flew over from a distance, and both of them exuded an unusually powerful aura.

It was the two Green Turtles and Night Demons who were at the second level of supernatural powers.

(End of this chapter)

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