Beast Invasion: One-click Attribute Extraction

Chapter 1280 Capture the Night Demons

Chapter 1280 Capture the Night Demons
It was none other than Su Yi who made the sneak attack.

As early as when the concrete object of the night demon clansman was chopped into pieces, he guessed that the other party would run away.

So he used [Mirror Image Clone] to hide his body in mid-air, and used [Body and Sword Unity] to carry out a sneak attack.


The Night Demons were extremely angry.

In the past, there would be no need to care about Su Yi's sneak attack.But now that he is seriously injured, it is time to be weak.

In addition, Su Yi's sudden attack made it extremely difficult for him to deal with it.

The night demon clansman gritted his teeth, and hastily released aura to block it.

A stab.

The huge sword slashed down in the air, easily tearing apart the aura of the Night Demon clansman, and then opened a long gap in his chest.

Bright red blood spurted out of it immediately, dyeing the air in red.


The Night Demon tribe let out a shrill scream, and flew back desperately, trying to avoid Su Yi's pursuit.

However, he only cared about the head and ignored the tail, completely forgetting that there was a little bitch watching over him behind him.

Of course, Xiaojian would not miss this opportunity, and released a thick chaotic sword energy, slashing fiercely on the back of the night demon clansman.


The night demon clansman didn't even have time to let out a scream, and his whole body was smashed by the sword energy.

"The Night Demons do have two brushes." Su Yi recovered his real body and breathed a sigh of relief.

As one of the five super races, the night demons are indeed more powerful than other races.

If he hadn't sneaked up on the opportunity, he might have let the night demon clansman run away.

"Su Yi, what shall we do next? Do we continue to destroy the city?" At this moment, [Smart Chariot] asked.

Su Yi pondered for a moment, then said, "Let's get out of here first."

The main purpose of destroying the city was to attract the night demon clansman who was at the fourth level of supernatural powers, but if the other party was not fooled, it would be meaningless to continue destroying the city.

Before leaving, Su Yi threw more than a dozen fireball spells, destroying hundreds of buildings and killing many Green Turtle people.

"Su Yi, where are we going?" After leaving the city, [Smart Chariot] asked blankly.

Su Yi thought for a while and said, "Number 2, do you think that if we destroy the boundary channel between the Night Demons and the Green Turtles, will that Night Demons rush to help?"

Destroying the city of the Green Turtle Clan, the Night Demon Clan can ignore it.

But if they destroy their boundary channel, you can't just ignore it, right?

"Su Yi, you should let go of this idea." [Smart Chariot] persuaded: "Night Demons will definitely send strong men to guard the passages in the realm. Maybe we won't even have a chance to escape when we get there."

"In this case, I can only think of other ways." Su Yi frowned deeply.

[Smart Chariot] suddenly suggested: "Su Yi, why don't we catch some Night Demons."

"What are you doing?" Su Yi didn't quite understand.

[Smart Chariot] Hey, he smiled, "After we capture it, we will kill that night demon tribe in front of him. I don't believe that he doesn't even care about his own tribe. As long as he leaves the boundary channel, we will have a chance."

The corner of Su Yi's mouth twitched slightly, "Number 2, you are really cruel, but I like it."

The night demons are also enemies of the human race, and they don't need to show mercy to their enemies.

Of course, this method may not be able to attract the night demon, but it can be tried anyway.

Afterwards, the [Smart Chariot] searched around and began to arrest the Night Demons.

(End of this chapter)

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