Beast Invasion: One-click Attribute Extraction

Chapter 1289 Capture Sang Deyuan Alive

Chapter 1289 Capture Sang Deyuan Alive

Xiaoyan suddenly became nervous, and said through gritted teeth, "It's right in the center of the city lord's mansion, but the city lord's mansion is guarded by heavy soldiers, and there is also a supernatural power."

Su Yi didn't care at all, and told [Smart Chariot]: "No. 2, get down."


[Smart Chariot] Flying down towards a magnificent building below.

As soon as it landed, hundreds of Green Turtle guards flew over from all directions, surrounding the [Smart Chariot].

When Su Yi was about to get off the car, [Smart Chariot] reminded: "Su Yi, there is a Green Turtle Clan member of the [-]st level of supernatural power flying towards here quickly."


Su Yi nodded, opened the hatch and walked out.

The Green Turtle who came here was probably the lord of Luyi City. Even if the other party didn't come to him, he planned to take the opportunity to kill him.

When Su Yi walked out, Xiaoyan leaned on the edge of the cabin door and swept out. When he saw the green turtles all around him, his face turned pale and he trembled all over.

In his opinion, Su Yi's coming here is tantamount to a sheep entering the tiger's mouth, and he will definitely not survive if he is implicated.

[Smart Chariot] Seeing through Xiaoyan's thoughts, he smiled and comforted him: "Xiaoyan, these green turtles in front of you are just ants in front of Su Yi. You don't have to be afraid, just watch Su Yi's performance with peace of mind."

Xiaoyan clicked his tongue and smiled bitterly in his heart, "We are going to die soon, can you stop making such jokes?"

At the same time, the green turtle people around were all shocked when they saw Su Yi.

A human race, how dare to rush here alone?
What is this scenario?
Could it be that you are tired of living?

Su Yi glanced at it calmly, then turned to Xiaoyan and asked, "Xiaoyan, is there any Sang Deyuan here?"

Xiaoyan tremblingly pointed to a particularly sturdy Green Turtle and said, "He is Sang Deyuan."

Su Yixu locked his eyes on Sang Deyuan, and when he was about to make a move, a violent breath swept over him.

Immediately afterwards, a majestic Green Turtle flew down.

When he saw Su Yi, he was also stunned, and then laughed wildly: "It's been a long time since I saw the human race, boy, are you here to die?"

Su Yi didn't know what the other party was talking about, so he opened [Langya Ring].

Immediately, a bright sword light shot out from it, and slashed at the Green Turtle Clan in the God Realm.

Su Yi also rushed towards Sang Deyuan at the same time.

Its speed is as fast as thunder.

The incident happened suddenly, and Su Yi and Xiaojian moved fast enough, before the surrounding green turtles could even react, the Green Turtle at the first level of psychic power had died tragically in Xiaojian's hands.

And Sang Deyuan was pinched by Su Yi's neck like a chicken, completely losing the power to resist.


Seeing this scene, Xiaoyan was stunned.

In the blink of an eye, the lord of Luyi City, a powerhouse of the first level of the supernatural realm, was killed?

And Sang Deyuan was also subdued by Su Yi?

Is this real?Could it be a dream?

"He killed the city lord!"

After three breaths, all the Green Turtles regained their senses.

When they realized that the lord of Luyi City was easily beheaded, a huge panic filled their hearts.

Su Yi glanced over and ordered: "Little bitch, get rid of them."

Xiaojian rushed over frantically, and for a while there were screams all around.

(End of this chapter)

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