Chapter 1299 Fierce Battle

Su Yi still didn't appear flustered, glanced at the red long dragon, and said to Meng E beside him: "Xiao Meng, show him some color."

Meng'e has already been promoted to the second level of the divine realm, so using [Fantasy Space] to deal with the third level of the divine realm is not a problem.

Although it cannot be killed, it can make the other party fall into a dream and cannot extricate themselves.

In this way, he and Xiaojian can easily deal with the other two.

After these two people are dealt with, it's enough to free up your hands to deal with the pockmarked old man.


Meng'e opened her mouth and sprayed out a black mist, instantly covering the red dragon and the pockmarked old man.

The next moment, the red long dragon and the pockmarked old man disappeared before his eyes strangely.


Witnessing this scene, the two fat old men were shocked on the spot.

Su Yi smiled and said, "You two should take care of yourselves."

After saying that, he winked at Xiaojian.

Xiaojian understood, and quickly rushed towards the fat old man.

Su Yi locked his eyes on the hunchbacked old man, and smiled, "Let's do it, let me see how capable you are."

He has full confidence in hard steeling a martial artist at the first level of the supernatural power, not to mention that the other party is injured, so there will be no problem.

In addition, he doesn't need to work hard, he just needs to entangle for a while and buy Xiaojian some time.

"You're so fucking pretentious!" The hunchbacked old man was furious, and immediately manifested something concrete.

His figurative object is a blue stick like a tree trunk, covered with thorns.

"Go to hell!" the hunchbacked old man growled.

The wooden stick suspended in mid-air crashed down.

Suddenly the wind howled, and a huge shadow shrouded Su Yi.

Su Yi's expression was stern, without any sign of flinching.

When the cyan wooden stick appeared in front of him, he punched out with a bang, and he actually resisted the blow of the figurative object with his physical body.

"Is he courting death?"

Not far away, the fat old man who was fighting fiercely with Xiaojian felt incomprehensible when he saw this scene inadvertently.

The hunchbacked old man was overjoyed.

Concrete objects are the most powerful offensive weapon for warriors, and no one dares to resist with their bodies.

The young warrior in front of him is definitely seeking his own death.


As if foreseeing that Su Yi was about to be smashed to pieces, the hunchbacked old man laughed wildly.


Su Yi smiled contemptuously, and punched the cyan stick with his fist.

There was a loud bang, like the sky falling apart.

The next moment, a huge shadow flew towards the distance with a whoosh, it was the blue wooden stick.

Su Yi also took a few steps back after receiving the shock force, but he did not suffer any losses.


Seeing this, the hunchbacked old man was stunned on the spot, looking at Su Yi with a serious look of horror.

He never thought that someone could blast his figurative object away with a single punch,

And the person who did this is still intact.

So, how strong is the defense of the young warrior in front of him?
Is this the defense that humans should have?This is clearly a humanoid monster!
"The first level of the psychic state, but mediocre." Su Yi glanced at the hunchbacked old man with contempt in his eyes.

Immediately, he rushed towards the opponent again.

Originally, he planned to entangle the other party and give Xiaojian a chance.

But after punching him, he found that the opponent's strength was too average, and he could completely take the opponent down.

Seeing Su Yi charging towards him like a prehistoric beast, the hunchbacked old man's eyelids twitched violently, he gritted his teeth and summoned the blue wooden stick back, and hit Su Yi again.

(End of this chapter)

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