Beast Invasion: One-click Attribute Extraction

Chapter 130 Trial Tower Opening Time

Chapter 130 Trial Tower Opening Time

Su Yi has some doubts, has the Nine Profound Saintess fallen?

[Zixiao Qinglei Sword] Was it in Jiang Hao's hands?

Su Yi was not sure whether this was the case, and he didn't think deeply about it. He put [Zixiao Qinglei Sword] back into [Qiankun Ring] and started studying [Smelting Golden Body].

[Smelting Golden Body] is a secret technique of body training for defense. If you practice it successfully, your defense power will be doubled.

Of course, Su Yi will take care of things related to the improvement of strength.

An hour later, golden light shone from Su Yi's body.

If you look closely, you will find that the skin is covered with golden scales.


A smile could not help but appear on the corner of Su Yi's mouth.

The body is covered with golden scales, which is the manifestation of [Smelting Golden Body]'s successful cultivation.

However, it is only a small achievement now.

When the whole body is covered with golden armor, it will be a great defense.

And Su Yi was not in a hurry, with a 21-star talent, his comprehension was unparalleled.

It only took one hour to complete the cultivation of [Smelting Golden Body], and after a few more hours, it would not be a problem to complete the cultivation.

At this moment, the cell phone rang suddenly, and it was Shen Jieling who called.

"Senior Sister Shen, what's the matter?" Su Yi asked.

"Su Yi, do you have time tomorrow? I would like to ask you to translate the ancient text." Shen Jieling said.

"no problem."

Su Yi agreed.

Shen Jieling has helped him many times, and she has to help both emotionally and rationally.

"Okay, call tomorrow." Shen Jieling was very happy.

After Su Yi hung up the phone, he originally planned to check the Martial Artist Forum, but soon someone called again, and there were continuous calls.

First came Li Zhenfeng, then Liu Qian'er and Cao Qinglang, and the last one was Jiang Hao's call.

Li Zhenfeng asked him to help Xiao Zhenxiong translate the ancient text, and he agreed.

Liu Qian'er saw that Su Yi signed up to participate in the counterattack against Yulan City, and he agreed to form a team with him.

Cao Qinglang asked what is the arrangement for tomorrow.

As for Jiang Hao, he said that he would come to see him tomorrow.

Because Su Yi wanted to help decipher the ancient text, he politely refused.

"I always feel that Jiang Hao is weird."

Su Yi muttered, and turned on his phone to search for information about the Jiang family in Venus City.

After learning that the Jiang family is one of the top three top forces in Blue Star, and also owns an ancestor in the realm of the gods, he was stunned for a while.

The next day, Su Yi went out early, first to help the Shen family decipher the ancient characters, and then went to Xiao Zhenxiong's mansion. After helping Xiao Zhenxiong decipher, he harvested two Qi and Blood Pills.

And by the way, I inquired about the opening time of the trial tower.

I learned that the trial tower will open at the end of the month, and all three colleges can send ten students to participate.

In addition, students who enter the trial tower will also be ranked once, and the higher the ranking, the richer the rewards they will get.

In addition, the opening of the trial tower is also to test the combat effectiveness of the students of each academy.

This ranking is very important.

Every time it is opened, each college attaches great importance to it, and will send ten students with the strongest strength to participate.

Generally speaking, those who are eligible to participate are the students in the third year of high school, and there are only a few geniuses in the second year of high school.

As for the first grade, no one has ever participated.

The reason is also very simple. Those who get the places are all students in the Tempering Body Realm.

Who in the first grade can have such cultivation?

The third floor of the trial tower has the secret art of [Flying Clouds and Flying Shadows]. Su Yi will definitely participate.

Although he is also a freshman in high school, his real combat power is invincible below the Gathering Soul Realm, and it is easy to get a place in the competition.

(End of this chapter)

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