Chapter 1301 Solutions
"You Shadow Killers won't have this chance, I will definitely eradicate you completely." Su Yi's expression became grim, and then he told Xiaojian: "Xiaojian, continue to torture, don't let him die It's so easy."

When Xiaojian was about to do something, [Smart Chariot] reminded: "Su Yi, don't be so troublesome. When Xiaomeng controls him, he will explain everything in detail."

"It's indeed a good idea." Su Yi's eyes lit up, and he kicked the hunchbacked old man unconscious.

Then, he called Meng E to his side and asked him, "Xiao Meng, how is the situation of the guy under your control?"

Meng E said proudly: "That guy is attacking the fake Meng Ling crazily, but everything is in vain."

The only way to get out of [Fantasy Space] is to kill the real dream spirits.

But Meng Ling is hard to distinguish between true and false, without special means, it is impossible to find out.Coupled with the fact that Mengling can move instantly, even in the psychic state, it can't do anything about it.

Su Yi nodded slightly, and reminded Xiaojian: "Xiaojian, get ready, when the other party appears, let's kill him together!"

"Understood!" Xiaojian's breath became sharper.

Su Yi also took out the sword of chaos, and [Body and Sword Unity] slowly began to work.

When Meng E took back the [Fantasy Space], the figure of the pockmarked old man appeared in midair, but at this moment he seemed a little dazed.

After all, I have just escaped from the dream, and the environment has changed drastically, so I will always feel a little uncomfortable.

Su Yi and Xiaojian seized this opportunity very well, turned into two bright sword lights, pierced the sky, and pierced the pockmarked old man's body before he could react.


When the pockmarked old man was dying, his eyes were full of unwillingness.

It never occurred to him that a majestic third-level martial artist in the spiritual realm would be killed by a sword spirit and an ant in the imaginary spirit realm.

When the broken body of the pockmarked old man fell to the ground, Su Yi put away his storage bag, and then released the fire aura, burning the corpses of the pockmarked old man and the fat old man to ashes.

After finishing all this, he pointed at the hunchbacked old man who passed out, and told Meng'e: "Xiaomeng, control this guy and let him explain everything he knows."

Meng E said awkwardly: "Master, this guy is too powerful, I can't control him for now."

"Ah?" Su Yi was slightly taken aback, and asked, "What level of people can you control at most?"

Meng'e said: "Below the level of spiritual power."

"If you say that, there is nothing you can do." Su Yi frowned deeply.

The hunchbacked old man was a martial artist in the first level of the supernatural realm, and he was beyond Meng'e's control. If he wanted to find out the news, he could only think of other ways.

Meng E added: "If I can make his breath weaker, I can still control him."


Su Yi frowned.

Generally speaking, after being injured, the breath will decline, and the more serious the injury, the weaker the breath will be.

According to Meng E, as long as the hunchbacked old man is injured more severely, the problem will be solved?
"Little bitch, cut off this guy's other leg." Su Yi ordered.

A click.

The sword energy slid across, and the other thigh of the hunchbacked old man broke away from his body.

Su Yi turned to Meng E and asked, "Xiao Meng, is it okay now?"

(End of this chapter)

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