Beast Invasion: One-click Attribute Extraction

Chapter 1306 Could it be a brother

Chapter 1306 Could it be a brother

The blue fruit contained powerful thunder attribute fluctuations, and blue arcs on it kept beating, making abnormal crackling noises.

Su Yi was suspended in mid-air, but his face was full of contempt.

When the blue fruit rushed over, he grabbed the fruit in his hand with lightning speed.

"What does he want to do?"

Seeing Su Yi's action, the Feiyu clansman was dumbfounded.

Grabbing objects with bare hands?Isn't this fucking courting death?
But at this moment, Su Yi gripped it hard, and the violent force came out, only to see that the blue fruit began to deform at a speed visible to the naked eye, and a crack appeared on the surface.

In the end, it was overwhelmed and burst, resounding like thunder.

Su Yi flicked his fingers, and the ashes fell off, and then he looked at the Feiyu clansman in the air with fluttering eyes.

Because of the destruction of the figurine, this Feiyu clansman suffered extremely serious injuries. He spewed out a spray of blood from his mouth, his face was pale and bloodless, and his whole body was trembling violently.

And another member of the Feiyu tribe on the wooden boat looked at Su Yi dumbfounded, with a deep look of fear in his eyes, and he was about to pee in fright.

What kind of terrifying strength is it to grab and explode concrete objects with bare hands and remain unscathed?

An old dwarf next to him was equally astonished.

However, he soon regained his composure, and a crystal light flashed in his eyes in vain.

The human race and the dwarf race were allies, and the young man in front of him was so powerful that he would have no problem killing these two Feiyu tribe members, so he would be saved.

But at this moment, Su Yi flashed in the air, and instantly appeared in front of the injured Feiyu clansman, raising his hand and punching out.

The fierce fist wind tore through the air, completely enveloping the Feiyu tribe.

This Feiyu clansman had already been scared out of his wits, unable to have any courage to fight against him, he stared blankly at the punch that was hitting him.

A loud bang.

The body of this Feiyu clansman was torn apart by the bombardment, turning into a cloud of blood and floating down.


The Feiyu people on the wooden boat gasped, and their minds turned quickly.

Right now, the best way is to escape immediately, but after seeing Su Yi's flying speed, he dismissed this idea.

Because Su Yi's flying speed was at least twice as fast as his, there was no way he could escape the pursuit.

But if you want to survive, you can only think of other ways.

The Feiyu tribe's eyes fell on the old man of the dwarf tribe, and suddenly grabbed the other man's neck, and shouted at Su Yi: "Stop! If you continue to act recklessly, I will strangle him to death!"

Although it is not known whether Su Yi came here to save the old man of the dwarves, but there is no other way at the moment, but this is the worst plan.

Su Yi flew over slowly, and stopped in the air when he was less than ten meters away from the other party. Then he looked at the other party and sneered, "You kind of trash still want to threaten me?"

As the words fell, he saw a black light rushing out of his eyes without any warning, and instantly pierced into the eyes of the Feiyu tribe.


The Feiyu clansmen immediately screamed, their wide eyes were filled with horror, as if they saw something terrible.

"What's going on?" The old man of the dwarves was a little at a loss.

At this time, Su Yifei landed on the wooden boat, slapped the Feiyu tribe unconscious, and then turned to look at the old man of the dwarf tribe.


Seeing the other party's face clearly, Su Yi let out a light surprise.

The dwarf old man in front of him has seven or eight similarities with Guan Hua. Could it be that he is a brother?

(End of this chapter)

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