Chapter 1312 Killing Mu Kaixia

"How could this be?" Mu Kaixia was dumbfounded.

The expected scene of Su Yi being hacked to death did not happen, but his figurative object was blown away. Is this true?

But the facts were right in front of him, even if he didn't believe it, he had to accept it.

So, what terrifying level has Su Yi's defense and strength reached?

Facing such a humanoid monster, would he still be an opponent?

Jiang Hongyi and the others were stunned.

The powerful strength shown by Su Yi shocked them deeply.

What an incredible feat it is to blast a figurative object in the realm of gods with one punch!
The only one who can do this is probably Su Yi.

Guan Yu was astonished, and murmured in a daze, "It turns out that Su Yi is so powerful!"

[Smart Chariot] He smiled, "Old Guan, these are all Su Yi's routine operations, so don't make a fuss."

Su Yi's [Devil's Pupil] and [Body and Sword Unity] have not been used yet, and this is Su Yi's strongest trump card.

Right now, what is displayed is only ordinary strength.

"Routine operation?" Guan Yu swallowed with difficulty.

Routine operation means that you haven't used your full strength, and you can suppress Mu Kaixia without using your strength.

If he used his ultimate move, wouldn't it be possible to severely injure Mu Kaixia with one blow?
Thinking hard!
Su Yi is not yet 20 years old!If this continues to grow for a few years, who will be the opponent?

Maybe it will become the next Su Chen!
By then, the human race will rise again!

Thinking of this, Guan Yu's face was filled with excitement.

Just when everyone had different thoughts, a scream suddenly hit their minds.

Everyone followed the prestige, and in the line of sight, the vicious old man was split in half by a bright sword light, and then twisted into powder by the sword light. He couldn't die any more.

Seeing this, Mu Kaixia's heart beat violently, and without thinking about it, he turned around and ran away.

However, Su Yi had already locked him and stood in front of him again, never giving him a chance to escape.

"I fought with you!"

Mu Kaixia roared, recalled the figurative long sword, and slashed at Su Yi.

However, as before, Su Yi punched him out again.

After Su Yi punched, he didn't continue to strike, but looked at Xiaojian next to him, and said, "Xiaojian, is it fun to watch the excitement?"

His original intention was to verify the strength gap between him and the first level of the supernatural realm. After verification, he knew that there would be no problem dealing with Mu Kaixia, the weakest first level of the supernatural realm.

But if you want to kill it, you will definitely have to waste a lot of effort.

There are still a lot of things to deal with right now, so let Xiaojian do it.

Xiaojian chuckled, "I thought you were going to kill this guy yourself."

Su Yi gave Xiaojian a white look, and said angrily: "Stop talking nonsense, hurry up and do it!"

Xiaojian didn't say much, rushed forward and killed Mu Kaixia with one blow.

Su Yi put away the storage bag, turned to Jiang Hongyi, and asked, "Old Ancestor, why did you come here? Was Gu Haotian assassinated?"

What he is most worried about is that Gu Haotian will be murdered by the Shadow Killing Gate.

"Gu Haotian was assassinated? He was fine when we left." Jiang Hongyi looked blank and asked, "Su Yi, where did you get the news?"

"It's fine if you don't have one." Su Yi let out a long sigh of relief, and then said, "Old Ancestor, you go to my aircraft first, and I'll make a phone call."

(End of this chapter)

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