Chapter 1328 The relationship is not ordinary

Su Yi nodded slightly, and continued to ask: "To unlock the next area, which level do you need to upgrade your cultivation to?"

Since there is Yuqing solid panacea in Moonlight City, it means that there will be good things in the area behind.

He is still very interested in this.

"Need to be promoted to the first level of the Illusory Spirit Realm." Ling Nianyao said straightforwardly.

Su Yi pondered for a moment, then said calmly, "Do you know what's in the next area?"

"Is this important?" Ling Nianyao glanced at Su Yi, not really wanting to say.

He came to Su Yi to refine the elixir, but Su Yi has not agreed so far, instead he kept asking questions.

She was a little upset when she asked.

"Very important!" Su Yi said seriously: "If there are better things in the next area, I will consider helping you quickly advance to the Illusory Spiritual Realm."

Ling Nianyao was immediately excited, and didn't hesitate anymore, and said quickly: "Although the next area hasn't been opened yet, I can somewhat feel that there should be some seed-like things inside."

"Seed?" Su Yi's heart skipped a beat.

Ordinary seeds would not be stored in Moonlight City, so they must be very valuable.

Will it be a seed similar to the exploding fruit?

Thinking of this, Su Yi asked calmly, "Did you get those fruit seeds you gave me from Moonlight City?"

"Yes." Ling Nianyao affirmed.

Su Yi was sure, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Based on this inference, the seeds in the next area of ​​Moonlight City must be more precious than the explosive fruits.

Therefore, it is necessary to help Ling Nianyao quickly improve her cultivation.

However, he thought of another very interesting question, and said, "Your Moonlight City was left by senior Moon Spirit of your elf race, and those seeds belonged to Senior Su Chen, isn't that true?"

"That's right." Ling Nianyao looked at Su Yi blankly, "What do you want to say?"

Su Yi smiled slightly, "It is rumored that when Senior Su Chen left, Senior Yueling also left. And Senior Su Chen gave Senior Yueling so many good things, which shows that their relationship is unusual! There may be a leg!"

Ling Nianyao: "."

She was completely defeated by Su Yi's brain circuit.

Senior Su Chen had an affair with ancestor Yueling?Can you think of such a thing?
Ling Nianyao regained her composure and said angrily, "Su Yi, you can't just talk nonsense. Ancestor Yueling and Senior Su Chen are good friends. What did Senior Su Chen give some seeds to Ancestor Yueling?"

"Who's talking nonsense?" There was a meaningful smile on the corner of Su Yi's mouth, "It is rumored that Senior Su Chen has two wives, each of whom is beautiful. Senior Yue Ling insisted on following Su Chen , does this mean that they have nothing to do with each other? I suspect that Senior Yue Ling might be Senior Su Chen's mistress."

Speaking of this, Su Yi secretly said with emotion: "As expected of Senior Su Chen, sitting with three beauties, a role model for my generation!"

Ling Nianyao was immediately annoyed, and roared: "Su Yi, don't talk nonsense here! How could the ancestor of Yueling be a mistress? The ancestor of Yueling is the most beautiful woman of all races. Even if he is with senior Su Chen, then They are also a couple made in heaven, they are in love with each other!"

Su Yi actually treated the ancestor of Yueling as a junior, which not only humiliated the ancestor of Yueling, but also belittled the elves.

She certainly couldn't stand it.

(End of this chapter)

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