Chapter 1331 Sword Spirit

The amount of information in Gu Haotian's words is a bit large, Su Yi pondered for a while and came to the conclusion that Gu Haotian is planning to attack Shadow Killing Sect?

But even Sang Yan couldn't handle it, where did Gu Haotian get his confidence?
Suddenly, Su Yi thought of a question, could it be that Gu Haotian raised his level?Promoted to the sixth level of the Divine Ability Realm?

Because with Gu Haotian's strong combat power, there are few opponents in the same rank.

Only in this way can it be explained.

Su Yi said in surprise: "Senior, have you been promoted to the sixth level of the Divine Realm?"

Gu Haotian couldn't help laughing, "It's not easy to be promoted to the sixth level of the divine realm, but with my current strength, killing a sixth-level warrior of the divine realm is just a matter of one blow."

Su Yi: "."

Going up the ladder to fight against the enemy, killing in one blow?

Do you want to be so exaggerated?

Su Yi thought for a while, and he was probably the only one who could do this.

Gu Haotian also has this ability?

Gu Haotian explained: "Although my cultivation has not improved, my strength has soared a lot. The reason is that my figurative object has been promoted to the third stage, and a sword spirit has been derived!"

"So it is!" Su Yi suddenly realized.

After the figurative object reaches the stage of emanating spirits and produces a spirit body, its strength will indeed soar a lot.

Just like Xiaojian, his strength is stable at the same level, and he can even leapfrog the level to kill the enemy.

Of course, Xiaojian is a Chaos Sword Spirit, so he is more powerful.

Other spirit bodies do not have the ability of Xiaojian.

But even so, the power of the spirit body cannot be denied.

Gu Haotian had the sword spirit to help him, and it really wasn't a big problem to kill a sixth-level martial artist of the supernatural realm.

Su Yi pondered for a moment, and said: "Senior, since your strength has improved, the previous plan needs to be changed. I have to study how to do it."

"Okay, just let me know when you finish your research." Gu Haotian readily agreed.

Although Su Yi is a junior, he is very experienced in handling things.

Before, if Su Yi hadn't gotten the news to inform him and made follow-up arrangements, he might have been poisoned.

Therefore, he trusted Su Yi very much.

"Senior, we'll be in touch again." Su Yi greeted and hung up the phone.

Later, he didn't do anything else and began to rest.

Things have to be done one by one, and it won't be too late to study how to deal with Shadow Killing Gate after dealing with the Golden Flame Palace.

One night without incident, the next morning.

After Su Yi got up, he looked at the [Smart Chariot] for the first time, but saw that he was still in a deep sleep.

[Smart Chariot] It takes one day to be promoted, and Su Yi didn't bother her, and got up and walked out of the stone house.

Outside the stone house, Luo Junnan and others had already gathered together.

Today, the Golden Flame Palace will bring people to cause trouble, a big battle is inevitable, they are somewhat nervous.

Su Yi went up to greet everyone, and then said to the red chariot: "Little Hong, keep an eye out. Once people from the Golden Flame Palace enter the investigation range, please let me know as soon as possible."

[Smart Chariot] is in the process of being promoted, and the task of investigation naturally falls on the red chariot.

"No problem." The red chariot assured.

At this time, Bai Shengju Xiaohu and Mieshi Huoyangshu came to Su Yi and asked, "Master, shall we act now?"

The task Su Yi gave them was to cut off the opponent's retreat.

Before acting, it is natural to seek Su Yi's opinion.

(End of this chapter)

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