Beast Invasion: One-click Attribute Extraction

Chapter 1341 Super Strong Chat Group

Chapter 1341 Super Strong Chat Group
[Smart Chariot] explained: "The boundary point is the place where two realms are connected to each other. The power of this place is relatively smaller and it is easier to shuttle."

Su Yi pondered for a while, and said, "If you say that, you can't shuttle around casually, you have to pass the boundary point?"

If this is the case, it means that [smart chariot] must choose a planet that is connected to Blue Star if it wants to shuttle out.

Otherwise, there is no boundary point, and there is no way to shuttle through.

"That's almost the reason." [Smart Chariot] responded.

"Then you're a bit bragging!" Su Yi said angrily.

Previously, [Smart Chariot] advertised that it was promoted to the ultimate form and could freely travel through the universe.

He really thought that he could go to various planets at will, but he never thought that there is such a restriction as the boundary point.

"This is awesome, okay?" [Smart Chariot] was a little unconvinced.

For someone else to travel through the realm, a realm passage must be opened.

It is time-consuming and laborious, and needs to consume various precious ores.

On the other hand, as long as he finds the boundary point, he can easily shuttle back and forth, which even powerful beasts cannot do.

Su Yi still looks down on him?
So infuriating!

Su Yi didn't get entangled in this aspect, and asked instead: "Is there no problem for you to shuttle into the Feiyu Clan continent?"

Later, I will go to the Feiyu clan to save people. If I can't shuttle through, it will be troublesome.

"There is a boundary point between the Feiyu clan and the Blue Star, so there must be no problem." After [Smart Chariot] finished speaking, he suddenly got excited and said tentatively: "Su Yi, you don't want to go to the Feiyu clan, do you? "

Although the Flying Feathers are not among the five super races, they are considered very powerful races.

There is even the existence of the True Spirit Realm, and it is still very dangerous to travel through it.

"I won't go for now." Su Yi smiled.

The first thing to solve right now is the Shadow Killing Gate, and then go to the Hanging Sea to hunt and kill monsters.

He would not venture into the Feather Clan Continent without raising his cultivation to the level of divine power.

"That's good." [Smart Chariot] let out a long breath.

Su Yi suddenly said: "Number 2, can you go to the secret realm of Senior Six?"

Although it was only a few days apart, I still miss each other a little bit.

If possible, he intends to go over to visit.

"There is a boundary point connecting to that secret realm around, so it's no problem to shuttle there." [Smart Chariot] said.

"Okay, let's go there now." Su Yi was a little impatient.

[Smart Chariot] reminded: "Su Yi, every time I shuttle, I need to consume ten top-quality spirit crystals."

"Huh?" Su Yi was dumbfounded.

There are only ten top-quality spirit crystals on his body, which is only enough for one shuttle.

If you can't come back through the shuttle, you will be in big trouble.

"Forget it." Su Yi sighed, and then urged: "Don't run around tomorrow, let's go out and do something big."

"Going out again?" [Smart Chariot] was speechless.

Okay, it's only been two days since they came back, how can Su Yi be so troublesome!

Su Yi ignored him, turned around and entered the stone house.

Later, he lay on the bed and watched the warrior forum.

After not watching for a while, the chat software suddenly sent a message.

Su Yi originally thought it was news of a warm family group, but when he opened it, he was shocked.

"The Blue Star Overlord invites you to join the chat group of cosmic superpowers."

(End of this chapter)

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