Chapter 1344 Sang Yan Arrives
Su Yi said with a smile: "Senior, don't worry, your task is to record a video. Record the scene of Yingshamen besieging and killing Gu Haotian, and then spread it on the Internet so that everyone can see what Yingshamen did. "

"Record a video?" Bai Pengfei breathed a sigh of relief, and then asked, "Su Yi, what can you do to deal with Yingshamen?"

He really couldn't think of what Su Yi would do.

The strength of Shadow Killing Gate is one of the best in the entire Blue Star, even if the Sun Moon and Star Palace makes a move, it may not be the opponent.

"Senior will know when the time comes." Su Yi smiled meaningfully.

Seeing Su Yi's smile, Wu Zhe felt certain in his heart.

He knew Su Yi quite well, and every time Su Yi showed such a smile, it proved that he had full confidence.

This situation has been verified in the past.

Now that Su Yi is sure, there is nothing to worry about.

"Okay." Bai Pengfei nodded restlessly, the solemn look on his face never dissipated.

[Smart Chariot] After flying for an hour, he reminded: "Su Yi, Yaoguang City has appeared within the detection range, and it is less than a thousand kilometers away from us."

"On the 2nd, go to a place [-] kilometers south of Yaoguang City." Su Yi ordered.

If it is too close to Yaoguang City, it is easy to expose its whereabouts.Once they startled the snake and aroused the vigilance of Yingshamen, the plan fell through.

Hundreds of kilometers outside Yaoguang City was a barren land, filled with a deadly stillness.

[Smart Chariot] Arriving at the location, he found a dense patch of weeds and said to Su Yi, "Su Yi, we've arrived. This place is exactly [-] kilometers away from Yaoguang City."

"Wait here." Su Yi nodded.

According to the plan, Sang Yan would come to meet him alone.Calculate the time, it should be here soon.

After 5 minutes, [Smart Chariot] shouted anxiously: "Su Yi, it's not good, there is a strong man in the sixth level of the spiritual realm flying towards us. His speed is so fast, I'm afraid it won't work It'll be over in a while."

"Sixth Level of the Divine Realm!"

Bai Pengfei and Wu Zhe were shocked.

They all wondered if the strong men from the Shadow Killing Sect learned of their whereabouts and came to kill them.

Su Yi guessed that the person who came was probably Sang Yan, but to be on the safe side, he let the [Smart Chariot] capture the other party's image.

The screen on the central control screen changed, and an old man with loose hair appeared.

This person was wearing an old blue coat, skinny, sallow and emaciated, just like a beggar.

"This is Sang Yan?" The corners of Su Yi's mouth opened slightly.

This is the image of a dignified sixth-level martial artist in the spiritual realm, the suzerain of the Sun Moon and Star Palace?
Although he also knew that he should not judge people by their appearance, after all, the gap with his imagination was too huge, so that he was in a daze for a while.

Because he had never met Sang Yan, Su Yi asked Bai Pengfei, "Does senior know this person?"

Bai Pengfei leaned over and took a closer look. After seeing the other party's appearance clearly, he said pleasantly, "He is Sang Yan, the Suzerain of the Sun Moon and Star Palace!"

"Really." Su Yi clicked his tongue and looked again.

Although Sang Yan's appearance is not good, but after all, he is a warrior of the sixth level of the supernatural realm, and his speed is like a thunderbolt.

"So fast!" Su Yi muttered.

Sang Yan seemed worried about revealing his whereabouts, so he chose to run on the ground.

But its speed is so fast that it can compete with him.

(End of this chapter)

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