Beast Invasion: One-click Attribute Extraction

Chapter 1353 Promoted to the Realm of God

Chapter 1353 Promoted to the Realm of God

Later, Su Yi and the others waited patiently.

On the other side, Gu Haotian was still fighting with the big python, and the situation was at a disadvantage for a while.

Seeing this, Su Yi chuckled, "Old Gu's acting skills are superb!"

With Gu Haotian's strength, he can instantly kill a boa constrictor.But he deliberately showed weakness and struggled very hard.

This creates a false impression that Gu Haotian's strength is actually average.

After waiting for a while, [Smart Chariot] reminded: "Su Yi, three monsters of the third level of psychic power have entered the boundary passage."

"Three?" Su Yi frowned.

With their current strength, it is no problem to deal with two, but it is a bit stretched to deal with three.

Su Yi thought for a while, then asked Meng'e: "Xiaomeng, can you entrust two monsters with third-level psychic powers into the dreamland?"

"Yes, but it won't last long." Meng'e replied immediately.

"Well, you control two first." Su Yi warned, and then told Xiaojian: "Xiaojian, hurt one as quickly as possible."

"No problem." Xiaojian looked very confident.

"The monster has come out!" Wu Zhe reminded with a condensed expression.

Everyone looked towards the exit of the boundary channel, but what they saw was a monster like a sika deer.

However, compared with ordinary sika deer, there is still a big difference.

Its size is very large, and its height is close to five meters.

And the face is not as docile as a sika deer.

A pair of big copper bell-like eyes were filled with a bloodthirsty color.

Inside the long mouth stood two rows of sharp fangs, emitting a cold light.

Xiaojian didn't wait for Su Yi's order, and rushed forward with a stride, and fought with this monster.

At this moment, two more monsters sprang out of the boundary channel.

One of them was shaped like a wild boar, over five feet in size, and exuded a strong bloody aura.


When seeing this monster, Su Yi was not happy.

Because he had already recognized it, it was clearly a bloodthirsty pig.

When they counterattacked Magnolia City, they killed so many of them that they couldn't continue to extract their abilities.

The other one is a large crocodile, more than ten feet long.

The body is covered with a layer of black horny skin, which looks like a rock.

"Xiaomeng, do it!" Su Yi ordered.

Meng E immediately cast [Fantasy Space], and as a black mist shrouded the past, the bloodthirsty liao pig and the big crocodile disappeared before his eyes strangely.

Seeing this, Su Yi was sure, and turned to look at Xiaojian.

At this time, Xiaojian was completely in the upper hand, with sword energy flying freely, the sika deer monster he was chopping kept retreating, and narrow and long wounds appeared on his body.

Scarlet blood gushed out from it, dyeing his body blood red in an instant.

"Little bitch, work harder!" Su Yi was a little anxious.

Xiaojian gritted his teeth, and released a thick and bright sword energy, which opened a huge wound on the chest of the sika deer monster.


The sika deer monster screamed and fell to the ground.

Su Yi stepped forward quickly and blasted the head of the sika deer monster with one punch.

At the same time, the sound of the system also sounded at this moment.

"Touch the Suzuki Qingguang deer, extract 2000 Qi and blood, the blood and blood will automatically derive the power of the God of War, the host God of War treasure body (52|1000), has not reached the upgrade standard. Extract 1000 wood aura, and automatically derive the Qi of Chaos (10 |10), the host has been promoted to the first level of the Divine Realm."

(End of this chapter)

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