Chapter 1355 Waiting
After being promoted to the realm of supernatural power, the aura of chaos will evolve into the aura of the law of chaos, and its power will soar.

But correspondingly, the promotion standard will also increase accordingly.

This was already in Su Yi's expectation, and he didn't think too much about it. His hands kept hitting the Black Rock Crocodile.

"It's too fierce!" Wu Zhe was stunned.

A third-level demonic beast!Why is it like a dead dog under Su Yi's hands?
Su Yi smashed it more than a dozen times, and the Heiyan crocodile was like a gossip, almost dying.

At this time, [Smart Chariot] reminded, "Su Yi, there are three fifth-level demon beasts in the realm of the realm coming over."

"Fifth level of the divine realm!"

Su Yi's expression froze, he killed the black rock crocodile with one punch, and after throwing it into the [Qiankun Ring], he raised his voice and shouted at Gu Haotian: "Senior, catch that big python, let's retreat!"

After the words fell, he took Wu Zhe and others to take the lead and flew towards the distance.

Gu Haotian didn't think much about it, he chopped the boa constrictor into serious wounds with one knife, and followed closely behind, holding the boa constrictor's tail.

After flying about tens of kilometers, Su Yi stopped.

"Su Yi, why are we running?" Gu Haotian asked in confusion.

With his strength, it is no problem to deal with three monsters at the fifth level of the supernatural power.

Su Yi explained with a smile: "Senior, if you kill those three monsters, they will be frightened and will definitely not send out any more monsters. Let's wait a few days until enough monsters come out. It's time to go and harvest a wave."

"Understood." Gu Haotian nodded slightly.

After confirming that Su Yi really has the ability to quickly improve his cultivation, he also wanted to help Su Yi hunt more.

Afterwards, Su Yi punched the boa constrictor to death.

The sound of the system sounded.

"Touch the Nirvana Vermilion Flame Snake, extract 1000 fire aura, extract 1000 gold aura, and automatically generate the power of chaos law (4|10), which has not reached the upgrade standard."

"Not bad." The corners of Su Yi's mouth raised slightly.

He reckoned that if some of the monsters could continue to come out and kill them all, there would be no problem in being promoted to the second level of the Divine Ability Realm.

"Su Yi, shall we go somewhere else, or wait here?" [Smart Chariot] asked.

"Just wait here." Su Yi said.

There are still many alien realm passages in Xuankonghai, and he will destroy them one by one.

But right now, hunting monsters is still the main way to extract abilities, and it won't be too late to go to other places after the processing here is over.

Behind, [Smart Chariot] transformed into a flying form, floating in mid-air and waiting quietly.

Su Yi and others entered it to rest.

Gu Haotian came to Su Yi's side, and asked curiously: "Su Yi, you should be promoted to the first level of the Divine Realm, right?"


Su Yi didn't hide it.

"Amazing!" Gu Haotian and Wu Zhe clicked their tongues together.

Before coming to Xuankonghai, Su Yi was only a warrior at the fifth level of the Illusory Spiritual Realm.

After fighting with monsters, he has been promoted to six ranks in a row. The speed of promotion is too terrifying.

If this continues to fight with monsters, will he be promoted to the True Spirit Realm soon?
Thinking of this, Gu Haotian's expression shook, and he asked, "How many more monsters do you need to kill to be promoted to the True Spirit Realm?"

Taking a step back, with the simplicity of Su Yi's ability to kill enemies by leapfrogging, even if he was only promoted to the ninth level of the Divine Ability Realm, he would basically be invincible in Blue Star.

At that time, what are mere ferocious beasts and aliens?
He is very much looking forward to this.

Su Yi smiled bitterly and said: "Senior, although I have a unique physique, I have the ability to quickly increase my strength by fighting with monsters. But the difficulty of improving the realm of the gods is extremely difficult, and every step forward is extremely difficult. If you want to advance to the realm of the true spirit, I'm afraid it will take hundreds of monsters in the supernatural realm to be sure."

(End of this chapter)

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