Chapter 136 Farewell
"Su Yi, how did you do it?"

Jiang Li asked.

Such as Su Yi's deciphering ability, let alone met, never heard of it.

Until now, he still feels a little dazed.

"A kind of talent, an innate talent! No matter what kind of writing it is, you can decipher it just by looking at it." Su Yi said seriously.

He explained this to Li Zhenfeng and Jiang Yunhua.

So it is very natural to say.

"There is such a talent?"

Both Jiang Li and Jiang Canyang were a little surprised.

Because they have never heard of this talent.

However, there are many wonders about the size of the world.

Since Su Yi has the talent for invisible combat, maybe he really has the talent for deciphering text.

They didn't struggle with this either, as long as they were sure that Su Yi really had this ability.

Jiang Piaoxue looked at Su Yi in a daze, her heart slowly rippling.

Originally, her marriage was destined by the heavens, and there was no room for choice.

No matter who it is, as long as she pulls out the [Zixiao Qinglei Sword], she will marry him.

He never thought that the man chosen by heaven for him would be so outstanding.

Su Yi has a handsome appearance, outstanding talent, and the ability to decipher ancient characters.

Let me ask, which woman wouldn't be tempted by such a proud son of heaven?
"Senior, sit and wait for a while, I'll get some food." Su Yi said.

It's time for dinner, we can't just talk without eating.

"Next time, I have something urgent to go back."

Jiang Li laughed.

It has become a family, and it is reasonable to sit down and have a meal.

However, Su Yi and Jiang Piaoxue just got married, which is a big deal.

You must go back and report to your ancestors, and Jiuxuan Mountain must also notify you.

If you call, it seems a little disrespectful.

"Since senior has something to do, then I won't keep it." Su Yi didn't care.

The Jiang family owns an aircraft, so it is very convenient to come here.

"Su Yi, when will you have time to visit Jiang's house?" Jiang Canyang asked with a smile.

The more he looks at Su Yi now, the more he likes him. If possible, he hopes that Su Yi will go with him now.

"Next month, I have to be busy recently."

Su Yi thought for a while and said.

Having established a relationship with Jiang Piaoxue, he should indeed go to the Jiang family and visit the elders of the Jiang family.

However, the day after tomorrow, I will go to Magnolia City.

I have to participate in the trial tower at the end of the month, so I really don't have time.

"Okay, I'll send someone to pick you up then!" Jiang Canyang nodded.

The distance between Venus City and Yuan City is not too far, but the outside of the city is very dangerous, and he will not let Su Yi go alone.


Su Yi responded.

Su Lin also bid farewell to Jiang Piaoxue reluctantly.

The two of them are not getting along well, just like best friends they haven't seen for many years.

After sending Jiang Li and the others away, Su Yi turned around and returned to the room on the pretext of resting.

At this time, his mood was still a little restless, lying on the wooden bed, the shadow of Jiang Piaoxue flashed in his mind from time to time.

"Is there an extra daughter-in-law in such a daze?"

Su Yi shook his head.

Later, he calmed down and started to practice [Smelting Golden Body].

He was heading to Yulan City the day after tomorrow, and with one more hole card, he would be more safe.

After an unknown amount of time, Su Lin's voice suddenly came from outside the room.

"Brother, what are you doing? I built a group and pulled you in, so you hurry up and agree."

Su Yi didn't think much, turned on the phone, and sure enough, he saw an invitation message.

He directly clicked Agree and entered a group called 'Warm Family Group'.

There are three members in the group, besides him, there are Su Lin and Jiang Piaoxue.

(End of this chapter)

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