Chapter 1367 Confession
"Little bitch, what are you doing?" Su Yi was full of doubts.

Xiaojian didn't answer, walked straight to Xiaojiu, puffed up her chest, and said seriously: "Xiaojiu, I like you!"

"Damn it!" Su Yi and the others were shocked on the spot.

Xiaojian actually confessed to Xiaojiu in person?Do you want to be so direct?

Is this too anxious?
You must know that they just met for the first time, and they didn't even say a word.

Is this the so-called love at first sight?
Su Yi felt that this possibility was very high. After all, Xiaojian and Xiaojiu were both sword spirits, and Xiaojiu's transformed form was also very petite and cute.

It is understandable that Xiaojian has a soft spot for him.

Immediately, everyone's eyes fell on Xiao Jiu, and they wanted to see Xiao Jiu's answer.

Xiao Jiu sized up Xiao Jian with a look of disgust in her eyes, and the corner of her mouth twitched slightly, "What kind of toad are you?"

Little bitch: "."

Everyone: "."

Xiao Jiu is too poisonous, right?Even if you don't want to agree, you don't have to humiliate him face to face, right?
No one can stand it!

"You won't be overwhelmed, little bitch?" Su Yi was faintly worried.

Just when the scene fell into silence, [Smart Chariot] suddenly laughed out loud, "Hahaha, the metaphor of Xiaojiu is perfect!"

Xiaojian's face suddenly darkened, and he said coldly: "Number 2, don't you think you are going too far?"

Being humiliated by Xiao Jiu in this way, a wound has been opened in his heart.

[Smart Chariot] It’s fine if you don’t comfort him. Instead, he added insult to injury and sprinkled a handful of salt on his wound. How can this be done by a human?
[Smart Chariot] also felt that it was a bit too much, and hurriedly said: "Sorry, I couldn't hold back just now, you made me laugh for a while, hahaha."

Xiaojian's eyes suddenly filled with killing intent.

[Smart Chariot] Relying on Su Yi to support him, provoking him repeatedly, which is tolerable or unbearable!

Seeing that Xiaojian was about to explode, Su Yi smoothed things over, "No. 2, it's almost done. Xiaojian is also a friend, so don't go too far."

"Understood." [Smart Chariot] stopped laughing immediately.

Su Yi turned to Xiaojian and said, "Number 2 likes to joke around, don't take it seriously."

Xiaojian let out a snort, still looking like he was still angry.

At this time, Xiao Jiu said: "Su Yi, open the [Qiankun Ring], I want to go in and sleep."

Su Yi nodded slightly, and opened the [Qiankun Ring].

Seeing that Xiao Jiu was about to leave, Xiao Jian asked unwillingly: "Xiao Jiu, give me a chance!"

Xiao Jiu paused slightly, "You should first advance to the Real Spirit Realm."

After the words fell, she turned into a blue beam of light and entered the [Qiankun Ring].

"True Spirit Realm!" Xiaojian murmured, but a firm look flickered in his eyes.

Xiao Jiu also gave him a chance, and immediately made him hopeful and full of fighting spirit.

"Toad wants to eat swan meat!" [Smart Chariot] muttered.

"My pleasure!"

Xiaojian was not angry this time, but instead said disdainfully: "Number 2, you are clearly envious and jealous! I understand your feelings."

[Smart Chariot] Hehe smiled, "Xiaohong and I have already established a relationship."

Little bitch: "."

You are so disgusting!

"Okay, you two stop fighting." Su Yi snorted, then turned to Gu Haotian and said, "Senior, let's leave Xuankong Sea."

The main purpose of coming to Hanging Island this time is to hunt monsters to extract abilities.

This purpose has also been achieved.

As for destroying the boundary passages of the aliens, he didn't count on continuing.

Because he was ambushed by the Protoss once before, he almost confessed.

There is no need to take any more risks.

(End of this chapter)

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