Chapter 138 Buying Weapons


Su Yi did not hesitate.

Originally he planned to participate, since Li Zhenfeng brought it up, of course he would not miss this opportunity.

"That's good."

Li Zhenfeng laughed, and then said: "Although the relationship between us is very strong, I can't play favoritism. I still have to go through the process."

"When you come back from Magnolia City, the academy will organize a selection competition. When you sign up to participate, you only need to get the top ten rankings."

"Our relationship is good, but it hasn't reached a very strong point yet, right?"

Su Yi clicked his tongue secretly, and continued, "I see, Principal."

"Well, there's nothing else to do, you go to bed early."

After Li Zhenfeng finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

Later, Su Yi watched the warrior forum for a while, and continued to practice [Smelting Golden Body].

It took two hours to completely refine the 【Smelting Golden Body】.

The next day, Su Yi got up early.

Today, he plans to go out and buy a weapon.

[Zixiao Qinglei Sword] is good, but it is still a token of love, and it is a bit inappropriate to use it to slay ferocious beasts.

Su Yi called Cao Qinglang, "Old Cao, is there anything wrong?"

"It's okay, what's Su Yi's arrangement today?"

"Come out with me to buy something." Su Yi said.

"Okay, let's go right away." Cao Qinglang said quickly.

Su Yi hung up the phone, and turned to Su Lin's room and shouted: "Su Lin, I'm going out to buy something, do you want to go?"

In the past, when he was going out, Su Lin always liked to follow him.

If she didn't tell her, Su Lin would lose her temper.

"Brother, I'm not going. I'm chatting with my sister-in-law. I don't have time."


The corner of Su Yi's mouth froze.

Su Lin clearly has a sister-in-law and forgets her brother.

Su Yi shook his head and went out alone.

When they came downstairs, Cao Qinglang hadn't arrived yet.

He took out his mobile phone and watched it, and the first thing he clicked on was "Sweet Family Group".

When he saw that the unread messages had reached 999+, he was a little surprised.

There were always three people in the group, if he didn't participate, only Su Lin and Jiang Piaoxue were left.

Can two people talk so much?

Is it chatterbox?

Su Yi was convinced.

"Su Yi, here I come!"

At this moment, Cao Qinglang ran over excitedly.

Su Yi turned off the phone and said lightly, "Let's go."

When the two walked out of the community, Cao Qinglang asked curiously, "Su Yi, where are we going?"

"Weapon shop." Su Yi said straight.

"Do you want to buy weapons again?"

Cao Qinglang was surprised.

When he was in the source city trading market last time, Su Yi wanted to buy weapons.

But at this stage, there is no need for weapons at all.

Su Yi didn't explain, but asked: "Which is the largest weapon shop in Yuancheng?"

"Lingxuan Weapon Shop is the largest one."

Cao Qinglang thought for a while and replied.

"Go to Lingxuan Weapon Shop."

After an hour, the two entered Lingxuan's weapon shop.

Because they came too early, there were no other customers in the weapon shop.

The owner of the weapons shop was a bald old man. Seeing that Su Yi and the two were just students, he didn't have any interest, and he didn't even say hello.

Su Yi didn't pay attention either, and slowly started watching in the weapon shop.

After looking at it for a while, he went straight to the bald old man and asked, "Boss, do you have any better weapons?"

The weapons placed here are also acceptable, but they are all ordinary goods after all.

He was a little disdainful.

Furthermore, he has 100 million blue star coins on him, so he is not short of money, so if he wants to buy it, he must buy it.

(End of this chapter)

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