Chapter 1391 Trading
Su Yi read them one by one and was very disappointed.

Someone mentioned several kinds of water-type spiritual materials, but the quality was too poor, and at most they could barely condense concrete objects.

The nine concrete objects he condensed are all top-level spiritual materials, and the last one will naturally not lower the requirements.

"It seems that we still have to wait for the opportunity." Su Yi sighed, and when he was about to close the warrior forum, he saw a new message on the post.

A person named Bai Tao on the Internet left a message saying that there is a Shuirouqingyunlian that can be exchanged.

Su Yi had never heard of this kind of spiritual material, and didn't know its quality, so he simply called the [Smart Chariot] over and asked, "No. 2, what is the quality of Shui Rou Qing Yun Lian? Is it suitable?" Condensing water-type concrete objects?"

"Shuirou Qingyunlian is a top-level water-type spiritual material, so there must be no problem." [Smart Chariot] replied immediately.

"Great." Su Yi was so excited that he quickly connected with Bai Tao.

"Brother Bai, I'm Su Yi. I want your Shui Rou Qing Yun Lian. Please make a price."

Bai Tao: A Shouyuan Pill, and help refine a furnace of high-grade medicine, Chalcedony Bone Pill.

Su Yi: No problem, how do we trade?

Although he has never refined the chalcedony continuation bone pill, but with his level of alchemy, there is no need to worry about not being able to refine it.

Bai Tao: I'm in Baijiazhuang in the Dingling Mountains, and it's inconvenient to go out because of trifles in the clan, so I can only ask you to come here in person.

Su Yi hesitated for a moment, and said: Tomorrow I will go to the Dingling Mountains.

Bai Tao: See you tomorrow.

After closing the warrior forum, Su Yi fell into deep thought.

Because of the invasion of fierce beasts and alien races, the human races of Blue Star began to migrate. Why did the Bai family stay in the Dingling Mountains?

Is it too late to transfer or is there another reason?

This is a doubtful point, if he doesn't figure it out, he won't dare to go there rashly.

But at this moment, [Smart Chariot] suddenly said: "Su Yi, I have to remind you about something."

"What?" Su Yi frowned.

[Smart Chariot] said: "Shuirou Qingyunlian is only produced in the half-orc continent, and it is very rare, how can the other party have it?"

"Half-orc continent?" Su Yi muttered.

Speaking of which, he had contact with half-orcs once.

When I went to Venus City for the first time, I encountered a half-orc boundary passage on the way.

At that time, he hunted and killed hundreds of half-orcs alone, and destroyed this boundary passage.

Since Shuirou Qingyunlian is a specialty of the half-orc continent, where did the Bai family get it?

It is indeed a very doubtful thing.

Su Yi pondered for a while, then called Jiang Li instead.

After the call was connected, Jiang Li took the lead and said, "Su Yi, I have something to tell you. I didn't expect you to call first. We really have a good understanding."

"Second Grandpa, what's the matter?" Su Yi asked.

Jiang Li said with a smile: "The ancestor asked me to tell you that we plan to return to Yaoguang City tomorrow."

"Understood." Su Yi sighed.

Originally, he thought that Jiang Hongyi would stay at the rear base, but he never expected that the other party would return to Yaoguang City.

Jiang Li then asked: "Su Yi, what's the matter with you?"

Su Yi calmed down and said, "Second Grandpa, do you know the Bai family in the Dingling Mountains?"

"The Bai family?" Jiang Li recalled, and said: "The Bai family is also a big family, and their patriarch is Bai Jinluan, a martial artist at the tenth level of the Illusory Spiritual Realm. A serious injury, has been paralyzed in bed."

(End of this chapter)

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