Chapter 1395 Gatlin Peashooter

"It's really chili seeds!" Su Yi clicked his tongue.

Pepper seeds are indeed a variety in [Plants Beat Zombies], and they are very powerful. One bombardment can wipe out all the zombies in front of them, which is much more powerful than pea seeds.

However, it is a one-time consumable.

In other words, it can only be attacked once, and then it disappears.

In terms of value, it is still not as good as the pea shooter.

Su Yi glanced at the chili seed, and suddenly found that it also had a pair of eyes and a mouth.It's just too small, not as big as a peanut. If you don't look carefully, you can't find it at all.

"Chili shooter, serve the master!" At this moment, the chili seed suddenly spoke.

"Yeah." Su Yi nodded slightly, and then asked, "Little Pepper, are you a one-time consumable?"

Pepper Seed said: "I can also attack infinitely, but the cooling time is relatively long, and the interval between each attack is one hour."

"Very good!" Su Yi was overjoyed.

As long as it is not a one-time consumable, and the cooling time of one hour is also within the acceptable range.

At this moment, he really wanted to test the power of pepper seeds.

But thinking that there are a lot of spiritual plants planted in [Lin Lang Jie], it might cause damage.

We can only wait until a later date.

"Brother, where did you get these seeds? It's amazing!" The holy tree of the elves came forward and looked at the pepper seeds curiously.

Su Yi pretended to be deep and said: "From a mysterious game."

Holy tree of the elves: "."

What the hell?Playing games can play seeds?Is it so amazing?

Su Yi didn't explain too much, but instead said: "Little bald head, make a spiritual plant and combine it with pepper seeds."

"Roger that!"

The holy tree of the elves quickly broke a branch and inserted it into the ground.

Soon, the branch turned into a two-meter-tall monster plant.

Then, under the signal of the holy tree of the elves, Yaozhi picked up the chili seeds and put them on the crown of the tree.

With a flash of red light, the pepper seeds plunged into the crown of the tree, seamlessly.

It looks like it has grown a huge comb.

"That's right." Su Yi nodded, and after looking away, he began to study other seeds.

A total of four colors of seeds were obtained in Moonlight City, apart from cyan and red, dark cyan and pink remained.

Su Yi each took out one and buried it in the soil, and poured it with the liquid of time.

After the two seeds matured, Su Yi began to look at them intently.

That dark teal seed grows into a Gatling pea shooter, and the pink one is a strawberry blaster.

After talking, Su Yi learned that the Gatling pea shooter can shoot a thousand peas at a time, which is as powerful as an ordinary pea shooter.

However, his cooldown is a bit longer, taking a day.

The strawberry explosion fruit can kill enemies within a range of ten meters. The lethality is the same as that of pepper seeds, and the cooling time is also one hour.

Su Yi smiled from ear to ear.

What he cares most about is the Gatling pea shooter, once fired, it will form a powerful firepower net, which will deal a fatal blow to the enemy.

A thousand peas are shot out, there is no special defense method, and few people can withstand it!

But alas, Gatling Peashooter only has three seeds.

If there is a hundred and eighty, the rear base is really impregnable.

(End of this chapter)

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