Chapter 1403 Experienced

At the same time, the voice of the system sounded in Su Yi's mind.

"Touch the shadowless Phantom Beast, extract the transfiguration ability, the host will gain [Transformation Supernatural Ability], and can transfigure the form at will, lasting for 1 minute."

"Phantom magic power?" Su Yi murmured.

Like the Shadowless Phantom Beast, it can change form at will?
If so, it would be considered a good auxiliary supernatural power, but the time for transforming is a little shorter.

Su Yi didn't have time to study it either, so he turned his eyes and landed on the Shadowless Phantom Beast, and said coldly: "You dare to lie to me, do you know what the consequences will be?"

At this time, the Shadowless Phantom Beast recovered its body and turned into a little black monkey

When he crawled out of the pit, he happened to meet Su Yisen's cold gaze, his neck shrank immediately, and he hurriedly begged for mercy: "I was wrong, I surrender!"

"Hehe!" Su Yi sneered, and gave an order to the Heiyang Rift Rat, "Mice, beat me to death!"

Before subduing the spiritual pet, it is natural to beat him violently until he is subdued.

Without special circumstances, this fine tradition cannot be discarded.

What's more, the shadowless phantom had lied to him before, which made him feel angry.

Without a beating, the fire cannot be extinguished at all.

The Heiyang Rift Rat's eyes lit up, and it pounced like a tiger.

"Ah, take it easy. Ah."

The shadowless phantom let out a heart-piercing scream.

He was seriously injured when he was thrown down by Su Yi just now, but he basically lost his fighting power and could not resist the berserk attack of the Black Sun Rift Rat at all.

Su Yi glanced at it, ignored it, turned and walked towards Shen Biao.

At this time, Shen Biao had fallen into a coma.

The purpose of keeping Shen Biao is for interrogation, and it doesn't matter whether he is unconscious or not.

Because he used unusual interrogation methods.

Later, Su Yi opened the [Langya Ring] and summoned Meng E, pointed at Shen Biao, and asked, "Xiao Meng, can you control him?"

"His aura is still very strong and uncontrollable." Meng E replied truthfully.

"Then the injury is not serious enough." Su Yi murmured thoughtfully, and then winked at Xiaojian.

In this regard, he is still experienced, after all, he once interrogated a first-level warrior of the Shadow Killing Sect.

Xiaojian immediately understood, released his sword energy, and cut off Shen Biao's limbs neatly.

The intense pain stimulated Shen Biao's nerves and made him wake up.

However, when he saw the separation of limbs and body, he tilted his head and passed out again.

"Little Meng, hurry up." Su Yi reminded.

Shen Biao's injuries are too serious, and he may not survive for a long time, so he must be interrogated quickly.

"Master, you can interrogate now." Meng'e immediately controlled Shen Biao.

Su Yi glanced at Shen Biao, and asked in a cold voice, "Where is Shuirou Qingyunlian placed?"

Compared with others, this is the most important.

Shen Biao replied dully: "Put it in the living room."

Su Yi breathed a sigh of relief, and said to Xiaojian: "Xiaojian, bring the things here."

"it is good."

Xiaojian rushed into the living room with a whoosh, and soon came back carrying Shuirou Qingyunlian.

Su Yi confirmed that it was correct, and included it in [Lin Lang Jie], and continued to ask, "Who designed this assassination plan?"

The assassination plan designed by the other party can be said to be watertight. If he hadn't noticed something wrong at the time, he might have been murdered.

(End of this chapter)

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