Chapter 1423 Collecting Ore
Guan Yu raised his voice and said: "Everyone, Su Yi is my friend, and he is here to save us!"


All the dwarves became excited.

Guan Yu continued: "Time is running out, everyone hurry up and enter Su Yi's world fragments."

Su Yi also opened the World Fragment at this time, and a silver light gate floated in front of him.

As long as you step into it, you will be transported into the world fragments.

Immediately, all the dwarves looked at the old dwarf who had spoken before, waiting for his choice.

The old man of the dwarves was named He Xinyan, and he was a martial artist at the tenth level of the Illusory Spiritual Realm. He had a high prestige among the dwarves.

He Xinyan didn't reply immediately, but said to Guan Yu: "Guan Yu, if we leave, the Feiyu people won't kill His Royal Highness in a fit of anger, right?"

The importance of Yuan Zimo in their hearts is more important than their own lives.

If Yuan Zimo was involved because of this, they would rather not leave.

Guan Yu said with a smile: "Elder He, don't worry, Su Yi will rescue His Royal Highness later."

"That's good." He Xinyan let out a long sigh of relief.

With no worries, a group of dwarves entered the world fragments one by one.

Five minutes later, only Guan Yu and He Xinyan were left on the scene.

He Xinyan came to Su Yi's side and said with sincere gratitude: "Su Yi, thank you so much! We will always remember your great kindness to our dwarves."

Su Yi smiled and said: "Elder He is polite, the dwarves and the human race are allies. It is only right for me to help."

When He Xinyan was about to say something, he was interrupted by Guan Yu, "Elder He, let's talk about what's going on when we go back. We should hurry up and get out of here right now."


He Xinyan nodded, and entered into the fragments of the world together with Guan Yu.

At this time, the three Xiaojian also flew back from a distance.

Su Yi collected them into [Langya Ring], and did not leave in a hurry, but looked at the mine in front of him.

Muran, he asked [Smart Chariot]: "No. 2, how is the quality of this mine?"

"It's not bad. Although it's not as good as the Eight Desolation Ting Yanshi, the weapon it makes is still very good." [Smart Chariot] said indifferently.

Su Yi pondered for a moment, then said again, "If you consume five thousand high-grade spirit crystals to remove it, you won't lose money, right?"

The last time in the Green Turtle Continent, [-] high-grade spirit crystals were consumed to remove a spirit crystal mine.

The work in front of me is about the same size as that spirit crystal mine, and it is enough to consume [-] high-grade spirit crystals.

Of course, the premise is that you must not lose money.

[Smart Chariot] understood Su Yi's meaning, and said with a smile: "It's definitely not a loss, this mine contains magnetarite, and the weapons made have a certain ability to break defenses."

Su Yi's eyes lit up immediately.

With this mine, at least 10,000+ or ​​even millions of arrows can be built.

In the future, in the face of a large-scale invasion of fierce beasts and aliens, you don't need to care about the consumption of arrows at all, just shoot to death and you're done.

Later, Su Yi took out the Sky Swallowing Gourd, put five thousand high-grade spirit crystals on it, and easily collected the mine in front of him into the world fragments.

The dwarves among the world fragments were all shocked when they saw the mines that had been mined before appear inexplicably.

They could imagine that this ore must have been brought in by Su Yi.

Qi Qi marveled at Su Yi's astonishing supernatural powers!
(End of this chapter)

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