Chapter 1425 Exposure
However, a bewitching red light suddenly shot out from the eyes of this Feiyu clansman, sweeping backwards, covering Su Yi almost in the blink of an eye.

The next moment, Su Yi felt pulled by a strange force, and his invisibility was broken, revealing his real body.

"Human Race!"

When they saw Su Yi, the surrounding Feiyu people roared in shock.

"Damn!" Su Yi's face turned ugly.

He didn't expect that the other party not only had a magic weapon that could give an early warning, but also had a pupil technique similar to [Eye of Illusion], which directly exposed him.

As a result, the previous plan was in vain.

"Human, do you want to kill me?" The Feiyu tribe, who was in the sixth level of the spiritual realm, stared at Su Yi and let out a grin.

"I have such an idea." Su Yi quickly regained his composure and smiled lightly.

Now that he was discovered, he had no choice but to fight head-on.

With his strength, he has yet to put a member of the Feiyu tribe in the sixth level of the divine realm in his eyes.

"Do you think you still have the ability to kill me now?" There was a teasing smile on the face of the sixth-level Feiyu tribe in the psychic realm, as if they regarded Su Yi as a lamb to be slaughtered.

Because, judging from the aura emanating from Su Yi's body, he was just a third-level martial artist in the supernatural realm.

He himself is a warrior of the sixth level of the divine realm, and he is supported by a subordinate of the fifth level of the divine realm.

Can Su Yi still make waves?

"It's actually not difficult to kill you." Su Yi muttered, and immediately began to summon concrete objects.

It is a waste of time to continue talking, but to kill the opponent quickly, using concrete objects is the fastest way.

A click.

A huge gap opened in the black sky.

The next moment, a giant long sword shining with colorful colors rushed out of it, rendering the entire sky into a brilliant color.

"What kind of figurative object is this?" All the Feiyu people were stunned.

At this moment, they clearly felt a terrifying breath of destruction from the long sword of the figurative chaos.

"Su Yi actually merged ten figurative objects together!" [Smart Chariot] exclaimed.

At first, when Su Yi said that he could easily kill a sixth-level warrior of the God-connected Realm, he was still a little puzzled.

At this moment, he understood why Su Yi was so confident.

"The breath of destruction, could it be that this long sword is..." The Feiyu clansman at the sixth level of the divine realm seemed to have thought of something, and his face suddenly became serious.

Muran, he gritted his teeth and roared, "Kill him!"

Even if Su Yi's figurative object is powerful, it is only at the third level of the divine realm.

He still doesn't believe that Su Yi can't be done with so many of them?

However, before he figured out Su Yi's specific strength, he would not make a move easily.


The entire valley was filled with shouts of killing, and the earth shook.

All the Feiyu tribe rushed towards Su Yi frantically.

Su Yi snorted coldly, and raised his hand to hit [Storm Hammer].

The huge hammer shadow formed by the interweaving of strength swept forward, and the place where it passed was like the autumn wind sweeping the fallen leaves, and dozens of Feiyu clan members were instantly torn to pieces.


Seeing this, the rest of the Feiyu tribe all froze, gasping for air.

Killing dozens of strong men with one punch, Su Yi's strength and ferocity completely shocked them.

It also made them lose the courage to continue to charge.

(End of this chapter)

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