Chapter 1430 Blue Vortex
After throwing away the token, [Smart Chariot] left here quickly.

In the following journey, he passed through dozens of islands, and on one of the islands, there was a powerful person in the real spirit realm sitting in command.

The [Smart Chariot] was so scared that it quickly changed its direction and avoided the island far away.

Su Yi asked strangely: "Number 2, let's hide in the bottom of the sea, even if the other party is in the Real Spirit Realm, they can't find our whereabouts, right?"

[Smart Chariot] said with lingering fear: "Su Yi, don't underestimate the real spirit realm. Once they are released from the domain, they have the ability to detect."

Su Yi's heart trembled, "What is the coverage area of ​​the domain?"

[Smart Chariot] said: "It depends on their cultivation. Generally speaking, the coverage range of the first level of the True Spirit Realm is [-] kilometers. Every time you upgrade a level, the range will increase by [-] kilometers."


Su Yi clicked his tongue fiercely.

He never thought that the ability of the real spirit realm would be so powerful.

He even faintly worried that if several experts in the real spirit realm unite and use the domain to conduct a blanket search, the [Smart Chariot] will have nothing to hide.

"It seems that we should be more careful." Su Yi muttered secretly.

"I hope everything goes well." [Smart Chariot] sighed.

In the following itinerary, every time [smart chariot] explored the island, it would avoid it far away, but it has not encountered any danger.

After sneaking for about half a day, [Smart Chariot] suddenly said: "Su Yi, I found a very strange thing."


Su Yi frowned and asked, "What is it?"

[Smart Chariot] replied: "I can't tell, you'd better see for yourself, I have already sent the picture to the central control screen."

Su Yi turned his head and scanned the central control screen, only to see a huge blue vortex floating in the dark sea water.

There is a little bit of light shining in the vortex, like the stars in the night, presenting a beautiful feeling.

Su Yi only glanced at it, and a strange feeling surged in his heart, as if a mysterious force was calling him, making him hurry into the blue vortex.

"It's weird!"

Su Yi was shocked and recovered immediately.

[Smart Chariot] said: "Su Yi, have you also noticed the weirdness of this vortex?"

"En." Su Yi nodded, and said with a solemn face: "There seems to be a kind of confusing power in the vortex, and people can't help but fall into it."

That is to say, his cultivation base is stronger and his heart is more tenacious. If it were someone else, he might be attracted into the vortex.

"This is indeed the case." [Smart Chariot] said: "Before, I also found that a few sea monsters were attracted into the vortex, and then disappeared."

"No wonder I didn't see a sea monster." Su Yi suddenly realized.

He could imagine that the sea monsters in the nearby sea must have been attracted into the vortex.

As for what will happen after entering?Most of the bad luck.

"No. 2, leave quickly." Su Yi reminded.

The blue vortex was so weird that it even gave him a feeling of palpitation, and he didn't want to touch it.


[Smart Chariot] Turned around and left the blue vortex far away.

(End of this chapter)

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